Eviolite set
Wartortle @ Eviolite Trait: Torrent EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk Calm Nature - Rapid Spin - Toxic - Rest - Surf
Lefties set
Wartortle @ Leftovers Trait: Torrent EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk Calm Nature - Rapid Spin - Toxic - Ice Beam - Surf
PLease help :D
Wartortle is really lacking in the bulk department, and should use Eviolite to let it survive longer. Leftovers provide recovery, but the amount of hits you take will be surprisingly lower.
Wartortle needs Evolite much more, as it is a significant increase in bulk. I think you can relate to this Eevee as I know you play LC, where Leftovers aren't really viable due to the drop in bulk from the Eviolite.