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5 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Genesect, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Genesect Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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19 Answers

10 votes

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- U-turn
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower

As you all know Genesect is currently unreleased, but it's gonna wreck havoc when it's released.
U-Turn is STAB and is good for scouting eg when a switch is forced on the opponents side, and has the added bonus of having no immunites unlike volt switch. If Genesect comes in at the right time, U-Turn can get a Download boost, making it more threatening.
Thunderbolt takes care of bulky water types such as Gyarados.
Ice Beam takes care of top OU threats like Landorus and Gliscor also making the famous BoltBeam combo.
Flamethrower roasts problematic Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Forretress.
Make sure Genesect enters the battlefield on a Pokemon that it gets the appropriate boost from download for the situation, and preferably on a recisted hit as well.

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Epic set
I suggest Hasty. It gives Speed, which is essential for Genesect to outspeed nonscarfed base 100, and prevents a Download boost for SAtk from other Genesect.
I prefer Rash for the extra power, and the plan wasn't to use Genesect as a revenger, more of a fast attacker.
Mild can prevent opposing Genesect get an Special Attack boost.
why not just give genesect the burn drive and have techno blast instead of flame thrower? i know it would get rid of the choice scarf but with the download ability and techno blast's power he can be a complete force to be reckoned with
4 votes

Genesect @ Life Orb
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- X-Scissor
- Blaze Kick
- Extreme Speed

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Dangit Mew I just found out, beat me to it
How can Genesect learn Blaze Kick and Shift Gear?
Through an Event where Shiny Genesects were given out during a Pokemon X and Y Promotional Movie, which I think was called "Genesect and The Legend Awakened". Each Genesect was Hasty and had those two Moves, along with Extreme Speed. Check out the Event section on the main site to see which.
It can learn both moves through TR
3 votes

Genesect @ Leftovers
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Struggle Bug
- Toxic
- Flamethrower
- Iron Defense / Magic Coat

Specially Defensive set. Not too shabby.
Struggle Bug lowers your opponent's SAtk stat, bolstering Genesect's Special bulk.
Toxic stalls your opponents, particularly walls.
Flamethrower screws Steels that happen to come by.
Iron Defense is used to raise Gensect's Defense when you need it, while Magic Coat deflects status.

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the day has come... XD
*Sends out Heatran*
*Switches out
*Sends in Diglett. Trait: Arena Trap*
*Heatran floats with an air balloon*
3 votes

Genesect @ Choice Scarf / Choice Band
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- U-Turn
- Iron Head
- Ice Beam / Flamethrower
- Explosion

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^ Hell yes! :)
3 votes

Project G.E.N:

Model MES-P2
enter image description here

MES-P2 (Genesect) @ Choice Band
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 96 Atk / 156 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Extreme Speed

With the arrival of the 16th Pokemon Movie ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens, the Genetically Enhanced Nuclear War Machine known Genesect has received yet another Upgrade with the addition of Shift Gear, Blaze Kick, and ExtremeSpeed to it's many tools of destruction brought to you by P2 Laboratory's G.E.N. Project. We are pleased to introduce Model MES-P2, a Mixed variant of our previous Model that is capable of launching off a true "extremely" powerful ExtremeSpeed through it's Item, the Choice Band, and possibly a +1 Atk Boost from it's Ability in Download. U-turn is it's other Physical option and STAB Attack, allowing it to Pivot out of situations where it cannot outspeed and hit hard enough with ExtremeSpeed. From the Special side, Model MES-P2 is capable of "firing" off Ice Beam+Hidden Power [Ground] with an amazing Ice+Ground Coverage combo. May the Regions of the Pokemon world kneel to the ultimate Genetically Enhanced War Machine, Model MES-P2!

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More Models yet to come.
New team upcoming. Can't believe Shift Gear got released xD Nice set
I love the set. Too bad we can't acquire that nature since the event genesect only comes in a hasty nature.
Thx for catching that. I'll fix that.
2 votes

Rain Sweeper

Genesect @ Life Orb
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Bug-buzz
- Hidden Power [Water]
- Ice Beam

Thunder is coverage and has perfect acc in Rain. Bug-buzz is STAB. HP(Water) is coverage and is boosted by the rain. Ice-beam is for Coverage.

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What is HP(Water)?
Hidden power(Water), Hidden Power can be any type depending on the IVs of the Pokemon.
oh, thanks for clarifying
isnt techno blast (water type) better than HP Water?...can have perfect ivs, 15 more BP...
And you lose a good item; like life orb.
Drive can be good for something... I screwed someone's trick strat with genesect switching in and got toxic orb. HAHAHA!
2 votes

Genesect @ Life Orb

Trait: Download
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Flame Charge
  • X-Scissor
  • Iron Head
  • Return / Shadow Claw
2 votes


To be used in Rain.

Genesect @ Douse Drive
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Techno Blast
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Rock Polish

Now one of my favorite Genesect sets. Rock Polish boosts his Speed without locking him up in a move. Douse Drive + Techno Blast is coverage against Fire types. Thunder has perfect accuracy in Rain while Bug Buzz is STAB.

seems like a good moveset to me i will have to try it out
Me too has it but Only changed rock polish into tri Attack
1 vote

Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Thunderbolt
  • Bug Buzz
  • Flamethrower
  • Ice Beam
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Use 4 SDef.
1 vote

Gen 8 - Restricted Sparring (Bug)
Genesect @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 120 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Toxic
- Leech Life
- Rest
- Recycle

This build is for Bug type Restricted Sparring (RS). Specifically, it combines Leppa Berry and Recycle to get infinite PP, which is how the top of the top streaks in RS have been set. Notably, Genesect is the only Bug type that can learn Recycle.

Beware that both Recycle and Toxic are legacy moves. Thus, you must transfer Genesect from a previous generation in order to get this build in Gen 8.

0 votes

Item: Focus-sash/Bug-gem
Ability: Download
Nature: Jolly
Evs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp


Thunder-wave is for status. U-turn lets you switch after you status. Shadow-claw is your way of damaging Shadow-tag Chandelure. Reflect or Light-screen for team support.

0 votes

item: choice band
EVs: 252 attack 252 sp attack 4 speed
nature: rash

u turn: great with choice band STAB
flamethrower: coverage
explode: good choice band BOOM
tri attack: POWAAAA

0 votes

Mixed Sweeper:

Genesect @ Life Orb
Ability: Download (you don't really have a choice)
Hasty Nature
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Flame Charge
-Iron Head / Flash Cannon
-Bug Buzz
-Ice Beam

Flame Charge boosts Genesect's speed to great levels. Iron Head or Flash Cannon are obligatory STABs. Iron Head smashes Specially Defensive Xerneas, and allows you to make use of a potential +1 in Attack due to Download. Flash Cannon goes off your more heavily invested SpA, though. Bug Buzz hits very hard, and Ice Beam hits common threats like Yveltal, Landorus-T, and Mega Salamence.

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0 votes

Genesect @ Douse Drive
Trait: Download
Nature: Hasty (+Spe, -Def)
- U-Turn
- Techno Blast (Water)
- Flamethrower
- Iron Head

On this type of moveset, Genesect is primarily attack up and speed up. If it seems easier to do special attack up and speed, you may do so as well.

With the corresponding Download ability, Genesect can use U-Turn to upgrade either special attack or attack, thus making it raise stats without having to do much. On a Hasty ability, it's speed is raised and benefited making for a sure hit and run. This move is great in combo with other Pokemon that have either the move U-Turn or Volt Switch. This move also seemingly gets STAB and if super effective, it may faint the opposing Pokemon.

When the Download ability is applied at least twice with Genesect (assuming you used the U-Turn hit and run method), and you get at least two stages up for special attack, it is safe to assume that Techno Blast will faint a Pokemon if super effective. With fire being its main weakness (and a 4x weakness!), it would be smart to have a repellent against the opposition.

Flamethrower yields coverage over many Pokemon. The main goal of utilization of this Pokemon is to repel over grass types using fire type moves (Ex. Gourgeist, Lombre, Ludicolo), ice types who can cause plenty of status changes which mess with gameplay, or steel types who can heavy hit with fire type moves (Ex. Mawile, Lucario, Aggron).

With Iron Head, one can take care of fairy types (which wouldn't have bothered anyway due to typing), ground types (who do average damage, however worse with the nature), and ice types who wouldn't have done so much anyway.

Things To Watch Out For:
Certain Pokemon, depending on ability and time utilized in battle, may outwit the strategy of U-Turn + Download, etc. Pokemon with the speed boost ability may start to out speed in battle if not taken out, and if that Pokemon just so happens to know flame charge as well, Genesect will be in a world of hurt. If this occurs in battle, your best option is to take it out with another Pokemon, or if reckless enough, try out speeding the Pokemon (By the way, Pokemon that can wield both flame charge as a move and speed boost as an ability: Blaziken).

0 votes

Genesect special sweeper

Ability: Download
Nature: Timid (+Spd,-Atk)
Item: Douse Drive

Techno Blast; weakness coverage
Bug Buzz; good STAB
Flash Cannon; also good STAB
Charge Beam; 70% chance of raising SpAtk

or physical sweeper

Ability: Download
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -SpAtk) or Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
Item: Life Orb adds 30% increase to all moves
(metal claw=65, flame charge=65, x-scissor=104, giga impact=195)

X-Scissor; good STAB
Iron Head/Metal Claw; if gen 5 iron head any other gen metal claw because it has a 10% chance of raising Atk
Flame Charge; decent attack and it raises the speed stat
Giga Impact; quick battle ender (people often rule this move out because of the rest but it pacts a punch especially with the life orb)

No one should use hp Water on douse genesect
0 votes

Killing Machine
Held Item: Douse Drive
Ability: Download
Nature: Naive
EVs: Atk 126, Sp. Atk. 126, Speed 252, Def 4
-Techno Blast (Water)
-Ice Beam
-Magnet Bomb
Naive nature cause Download ability

Techno Blast- Signature move held Douse Drive to cover weakness of Fire type Pokemon, (Genesect is 4x weak to Fire) can also be used for Ground/Rock.

X-Scissor- Get rid of Dark/Psychic also because of Download ability.

Ice Beam- Use for those Flying/Dragon/Ground/Grass types.

Magnet Bomb- Get rid of Fairy type Pokemon, or use for something else like Fly/Dig/Bounce/Sky Drop.

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0 votes

Special Sweeper Genesect

Genesect @ Douse Drive
Ability: Download
Nature: Mild (+SAtk/-Def)
EV Spread: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

  • Technoblast (Water)
  • Flash Cannon (STAB)
  • Bug Buzz/Signal Beam
  • Flamethrower

Technoblast (Water) is the best option you have for Technoblast really... Fire and Electric are not worth imo, also Water covers for your 4x Weakness to Fire. Flash Cannon is your STAB move, added bonus if it ever lowers enemy SpD. Bug Buzz/Signal Beam to deal with Dark/Psychic types which are always out there, also a STAB, I prefer Signal Beam as it can Confuse the target, you already get some chance of lowering SpD with Flash Cannon so Bug Buzz can be uneeded. Flamethrower for Coverage, deals with Grass, Ice, Steel and Bug types, just nice Move overall, with high Accuracy and decent Power.

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Genesect @ Douse Drive
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
- Ice Beam
- Techno Blast

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0 votes

M mixed Genesect, but more of a physical sweeper, yeh I know its a little crazy

Genesect @ Douse Drive
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 124 Def / 124 SpD / 6 Spe
Hardy Nature
- Fell Stinger
- Flame Charge
- Giga Drain
- Technoblast

fell stinger is for stab and boost phys. attack stat drastically if you manage to k.o ur enemy mon with fell stinger, flame charge for speed boost since my genesect build isn't much of a speedster, giga drain for sustain if ur hp drop on alerting level, and technoblast just for the sake of coverage for genesect's only weakness fire type, I ussually use this mon with other mons who has access on switch moves like volt switch, you turn or flip turn, since it will be easier for genesect to k.o them with fell stinger boosting his attack stat in an instant, I know there`s no much boost for his sp. atk that is why I put 252 EVs so that it could par with his attack stat and along the way hopefully ur enemy is bringing a mon with low sp. def. proccing the download ability boosting his sp. atk. stat

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What's up with the spread? In most cases, if you want to be bulky, you should max out your hp first. And that set is probably better off with max speed.
unless my math is wrong, you are missing 4 EVs (not two since you elected to put 6 on speed)