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In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, their is a shop called Gulpin Link Shop that link's your moves. What does Gulpin mean? You can link moves together but why would you need to?

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Gulpin is a Pokémon.

2 Answers

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Best answer

It's really just a fun/new thing Game Freak decided to implement into the game. Linking two moves together mean they will be used right after another in the same turn. The possibility of using 4 moves in a turn can make your journey a whole lot easier and more exciting. And it is a method to more easily beat the games quite brutal bosses.
Some notable link able moves are:
Screech+Fury Swipes

The downside of this is that you will lose the ability to use the moves individually and that the link will break if one of the moves runs out of PP.

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It's good place to link some Pokemon move that can bring advantage like:

Hypnosis and Dream Eater (Ralts, one of many Pokemon that can learn the moves. It cause lot of damage and healing yourself too!)
Mind Reader and Sheer Cold (It's one of my favorite, Articuno can learn the moves. Your opponent is KO in one turn!)
Sunny Day and Solar Beam (Moltres, one of many Pokemon that can learn the moves. You no need to wait, it cause damage in instant)

And there's many move of it. If you wanted to know, check this link (question).

Hope this question help you :)

You can also remembering move that you already forget in Gulpin's Link Shop.