Thats an instant victory, or instant fail strategy.
A good one though.
I totally agree with Will on the wrap thing, in a single battle, that's the only way to ensure you can attack the desired target.
But, for a double battle, the Shuckle needs a Focus Sash! I would ev train a Clefable in speed, with a speed nature, so it can use it's important attacks first(hopefully), leaving shuckle a clear shooting range.
So do this- 1st turn= Shuckle: Power Trick, Clefable: Trick room.
2nd turn= Clefable: follow me, and Shuckle: any strong attack! The first turn Power Trick may leave Shuckle open to a hit, but with a focus band, he'll be ok! And he'll almost always survive until this turn, when Clafairy uses Follow Me, protecting that Sweeper that is... SHUCKLE!! But that's just what I would do.