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Like against gyms, trainers, easy to find, etc, etc.

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Prior to beating the champion? Or in general?
I would say prior. It is much easier to train a Pokemon if you can get it before Kanto.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Ok, so these are my personal preferences.

Water: Lapras - easy to find (Union Cave on Friday), good against Flying, Dragon, Fire gyms, etc.
Fire: Arcanine - easy to find (Growlithe at Route 36), powerful, good movepool, good against Bug, Steel,Ice, Grass gyms, etc.
Grass: Exeggutor - mostly easy to find ( exeggcute from headbutt), powerful, good movepool, good against Fighting, Dragon, Rock gyms, etc.
Psychic: Espeon - easy to find (Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod after meeting him in Ecruteak), fast, powerful, acceptable movepool, good against Ghost, Fighting, Grass, Poison gyms, etc.
Dark: Houndoom - not so easy to find (Route 7 [Night]), powerful, good movepool, good against Bug, Ghost, Steel, Ice, Grass, Poison gyms, etc.
Or Umbreon- easy to find (Eevee from Bill again), strong (defensive), good movepool, good against Ghost, Psychic gyms, etc.
Poison: Crobat - easy to find (Zubats are EVERYWHERE), super fast, strong, good movepool, good against Bug, Ghost, Fighting, Grass gyms, etc.
Ghost: Gengar - easy to find (Ghastly in Sprout Tower [Night], but trade necessary), strong, good movepool, good against Ghost, Fighting, Psychic gyms, etc.
Or Mismagius - easy to find (Misdreavus at Cliff Cave), strong (defensive-ish), good movepool, good against the same gyms as Gengar.

To recap, these are all matters of opinion. I have tried and tested all of these Pokemon and approve all of them.

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you forgot ghost. otherwise great answer ;)
oops I'll add it
1 vote

The most useful Pokemon are
Grass-Bellsprout (Evolve into Victreebell)
water-Magikarp (Evolve into Gyrados) Or go to lake rage to capture the shiny Gyrados (One chance to get the Gyrados) You should save before engaging into battle with the Gyrados so you get unlimited chances to get it.
fire-Growlith (Evolve into Aracanine)
psychic-Drowzee (Evolve into Hypno)
ghost-Gastly (Evolve into Gengar)
dark-Murkrow (Evolve into Honchcrow)
poison-Nidoran M (Evolve into Nidoking)
