Yes, I am lying to you. I have no idea what I am talking about and just go around making answers up for the sheer fun of it. jk.
The Mechanics of Acrobatics meke it so that if the user is not holding an item, it's power is doubled too 110, as opposed to 55. Technician powers up moves belows 60 base power, so if Scizor is holding an item other than a Flying Gem, it will be at 55 base power, enough to get the Technician boost. HOWEVER, when the user is holding a Flying Gem, the Flying Gem boosts the power of Acrobatics before the game checks for an item, so Acrobatics effectively hits at 110 + 55 (50%), which is 165. Afterwards, it hits at it's regular 110, as th euser is no longer holding an item and then Flying Gem no longer exists to further boost it. It's complicated, but why would I lie Anyone here can vouch for me, this is legit.