
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Static/Sand-veil(If for some reason you are using him in the sand)
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 S.Attack, 128 Defense, 128 S.Defense
This is a Stunfisk set where I have, instead of their more powerful counter parts, given him moves with a 30% chance of status. Why? Because Stunfisk is already one of most ridicules and funny looking Pokemon ever, but having him mess up other Pokemon with status moves is even funnier (if only he had Serene grace XD). First we have Discharge which gets STAB and 30% Paralyze chance. Mud-bomb is also STAB and has a 30% chance of lowering Accuracy. Scald is coverage and has 30% Burn chance. Sludge-bomb covers Grass Types and has a 30% Poison chance. This is one of those Hax Pokemon that may not anger your opponent (unless it is competitive) so much as make they laugh, it is a great Pokemon for having a good time.
Note: If you do not like burning you opponent as much as lowering their accuracy you could go with Muddy-water instead of Scald.