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Which one should I choose in Black 2?

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3 Answers

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Best answer

In Black 2 and White 2, both fossils are postgame exclusives, meaning neither are a good choice for an in-game playthrough. The best Rock type is probably Terrakion because of its raw power, despite how late it comes. The best Water type is probably Samurott (or Azumarill if you didn't pick Oshawott), and the best Flying type is probably the Braviary on Route 4 (or Sigilyph if you're not playing White 2).

However, if you're somehow getting a Tirtouga or Archen in your game via trading or external means, I think Archeops is more useful throughout the game. This is for a few reasons:

  • 140 Attack and 110 Speed
  • Ground immunity
  • Moves like Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Crunch, U-turn, and Fly
  • Can OHKO most neutral matchups thanks to strong moves and high attacking stats

While Carracosta has some positives, such as more bulk and famously not having Defeatist, it's generally worse than Archeops because it's slower and can't OHKO neutral targets without Shell Smash. Archeops is both faster and immediately stronger, meaning it's unlikely Defeatist comes into play very often.

Ability: Defeatist
- Rock Slide (TM in Mistralton Cave)
- Acrobatics (Level 28)
- Crunch (Level 35)
- Fly (HM)

Rock Slide is Archeops' most consistent STAB move and will allow it to pull its weight against Skyla. Itemless Acrobatics is the best Flying move Archeops gets and should be the main move of choice against neutral targets. Crunch is one of the only other accessible physical moves and allows Archeops to act as a check to Shauntal and Caitlin. Fly is mainly for overworld utility because nothing else Archeops gets is more efficient, unless you want to use U-turn at Level 45 for some reason.

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Isn't Braviary also pretty useful if you're playing White 2?
Yes, thanks.
0 votes

cover fossil= carracoasta (my choice)
plume fossil= archeops (okay I guess)

carracoasta is boss with its amazing stats and guess what its got Shell Smash
yeah so if the word carracoasta doesnt mke you want to explode I dont know what would make you

source I have archeops I dont like him he'll sit in your pc for days (dont do that to archen (do it to bidoof))

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Depends on the other pokemon on your team and what you want. If you want a bulkier pokemon who can take a hit or two but needs to set up to deal out real damage, go with carracosta. If want to hit hard and fast right of the bat and can keep archeops from getting hit go with him. I choose archeops, but that's mainly because I needed a flyer, not because of any preference
thanks BROtad
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Since this is for in-game only so I won't do EVs.



This guy is awesome for a surfer

Ability : Solid Rock
Nature : Brave

Surf : I'm doing this set for a surfer so ... duh.
Waterfall : In-game so doesn't really mater to have two water type attack especially if its these two HMs.
Earthquake/Stone edge/Superpower : Take whichever you prefer.
Shell Smash/Curse : I know most people gonna chose Shell Smash but still Curse is a good alternative if you rather play safe.



This guy kills everything and anything all by itself at the price of a few Full Restores or Max Potions.

Ability : Defeatist ... the idea must be from the same guy who came up with Truant ... idiot
Nature : Lonely/Naughty

Fly : To be the flyer of your team.
Earthquake : No comment is needed there cause it's earthquake so ... next.
Dragon Claw/Outrage/Dragon Tail/U-turn : Dragon Claw for reliability, Outrage if you just want to annihilate everything even at the risk of having Defeatist show its ugly face plus the confused status which can be a DEADLY combination of problem for Archeops, Dragon Tail is for switching the enemy if things become dangerous, U-turn is for switching Archeops if things get dangerous.

So it's your choice which one of the two you need the most.

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