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Zubat or Pidgey for Fly Pokemon in SS?

imageVS Zubat


2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Personally i'd go for Zubat. Because it's in-game.
Zubat can learn Supersonic which is really useful in beating higher level Pokes.
It eventualy evolves into Crobat which has immense speed.
There is no point listing a Moveset because its In-Game.

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Hehehe answered first :P
Upvoted first xD
I cant choose BA both of you have done great answers so i upvote your answers
3 votes

I would go with Crobat Since he gains access to many great status moves, plus he evolves much quicker you should have yourself a nice Crobat by Mt.Mortar where as you get your long awaited Pidgeot about around TR Hideout. Hope I helped ^-^

                                                                                                       ~Elegant Espeon~
I cant choose BA both of you have done great answers so i upvote your answers