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Okay so I'm making eggs in Pokemon black two since I'm trying to get all the Pokemon for my pc and I put my ditto and my nidoran (the girl one)in in the daycare. I got a egg from the old man and it hatched into a boy nidoran. How is this possible if both the nidoran in the daycare are both girls?

This happened ALL the time with my friend. Eventually it will be a girl nidoran.
Hahaha yeah I ended up getting two more boys one which was great but I have no more moon stone for the nidoking :/but I figure if the girl was giving me a boy instead of the girl than maybe the boy would give me the girl that I want. And it did xD

1 Answer

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It's a random chance for each gender. The parent's gender's have nothing to do with it.
And BTW, it's still counted as a genderless Ditto, not a female Nidoran, so that wouldn't have anything to do with it even if that was how it works.

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Ah okay. Thanks. This never happen to me before so I was bit confused.
It's no problem.