PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

I don't have a 3ds, wich concludes to why I want a glitch. I was woundering if I could get the therian forms of Landourus, Thundurus, and Tornadus by glitching.

Do you mean a hack?

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

There are no known glitches to get Tornadus-T, Thundorus-T, or Landorus-T. But there are known hacks to obtain them.


94000130 fffb0000
b2000024 00000000
e0001d20 00000088
b21211b8 46850000
7e5e653a a1bc752e
34351281 1147e743
eac356c5 cc8b3e21
4a4ebe5b 3ecca54f
9a8fd09f 6b681dad
52e6721a 287f6fc4
0857f06f a0a57bdd
0e151e80 05b58d2e
b7b925b3 b39525dd
fae595bf 326525b8
d09f685a bffea052
ba424794 7f50170f
ec13f011 3b3393fe
33c65744 73e9569c
54657c92 411a2e1b
72615530 2571f67c
d2000000 00000000


94000130 fffb0000
b2000024 00000000
e0001da8 00000088
773a192f d15e0000
212d0c9a e5a327df
91e8bf36 de10364e
e4c5ffb1 17e9ae51
774a9307 f6c6a272
e72c853d 53281487
16abc692 be7fdf21
f2d5c342 12f475d6
ea20f479 d6d268e5
427ba290 3158a491
cf9d21ad 7ad3d56c
74fe0c2e 9d638e77
f163f4b9 f27fe9c4
831a8b0a 1f37f1e9
83cebc40 313ce332
f7160880 2a3f61e3
0ac44693 64652bc4
d2000000 00000000


94000130 fffb0000
b2000024 00000000
e0001da8 00000088
773a192f d15e0000
212d0c9a e5a327df
91e8bf36 de10364e
e4c5ffb1 17e9ae51
774a9307 f6c6a272
e72c853d 53281487
16abc692 be7fdf21
f2d5c342 12f475d6
ea20f479 d6d268e5
427ba290 3158a491
cf9d21ad 7ad3d56c
74fe0c2e 9d638e77
f163f4b9 f27fe9c4
831a8b0a 1f37f1e9
83cebc40 313ce332
f7160880 2a3f61e3
0ac44693 64652bc4
d2000000 00000000

A little tip
> Note:Landorus,Tornadus,Thundurus in there theiran Formes. All at level 100 with max EV's & Iv's. Press (select)to activate them use one code at a time.

Side note: Codes are for the AR. Super Cheats has more info on more codes.

selected by
I don't use hacks on pokemon white 2...
The answer is there are no glitches. I gave you a secondary option. Now remove the down-vote.