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The FEAR Pokemon with Sturdy do seem to be the the ones to finish better don't they?

  • Aron (Endeavour, Sandstorm, Shell Bell)
  • Phanpy (Endeavour, Sandstorm, Shell Bell)
  • Donphan (Endeavour, Sandstorm, Shell Bell)

These are the only FEAR Pokemon that can inherit the ability Sturdy.

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As of Generation IX,

/nds sturdy, endeavor, all:
Aggron, Aron, Carbink, Donphan, Lairon, Sudowoodo, Togedemaru

Of these Pokémon, only Sudowoodo and Togedemaru can learn a damage-dealing priority move, being Sucker Punch and Spiky Shield respectively. As a result, setting up Sandstorm with another Pokémon is recommended if you decide to go with this FEAR strategy. Note that Aggron, Donphan, and Lairon must be transferred in from Pokémon Go to be used below the level they evolve at.
