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2 votes

Milotic or ferligatr as overall Pokemon please no personal opinion judge by moveset's and stat's.

P.S. why does it say that milotic is beautiful to me it looks like some demented slug with a fan on it's tail.

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HUH,.. never thought of it that way.........kinda true

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

All Right, Im Going To Right Off The Bat Say Milotics Better.
Feraligatr is Strong, But Not Fast Enough, While Milotic Has Speed, Sp. Attack, and Sp. Defense for a POWERFUL Special Sweeper. Milotic Can Be Anything, Moveset Wise, While The Gators Movepool is pretty Limited. Feraligatr best moves are Special. And Feraligatr has Terrible Sp. Attack. Therefore, Milotic Is Better, also having a higher base total stat than Feraligatr.

1 vote

The analysis below applies to Generation 9 competitive Pokemon (and potentially future generations), although certain elements have been introduced in earlier generations and thus can be applied there.

As the better overall Pokemon, Feraligatr is definitely better, although Milotic has its merits.

Feraligatr's strength is due to it being a strong Dragon Dance Pokemon with access to strong coverage moves while being decently bulky. Yes, it isn't the fastest Dragon Dance out there, but it can definitely live one or two hits while setting up. Another unique trait is having both Swords Dance and Aqua Jet, making it a great anti-offense choice. For coverage, Feraligatr's Sheer Force ability in conjunction with Life Orb grants unholy power to the likes of STAB Liquidation, Crunch, Ice Punch, and Rock Slide, as well as having the always reliable Earthquake, even if it isn't Sheer Force boosted.

Milotic is a great defensive Pokemon with access to annoying moves like Scald, Haze, and of course, Recover, but that doesn't make it excel in the way that Feraligatr does. Sure, it's solid, but at the end of the day it is too passive. Despite having Scald to shore up it's lower Defense stat (it is actually physicall frailer than Feraligatr in terms of stats alone), Scald is not guaranteed to burn, and with Rillaboom being such a prominent Pokemon along with other threats like Iron Hands, Serperior, and Ogerpon, Milotic struggles to find a place as a good defensive Pokemon. Case in point, Suicune, possibly a better version of Milotic in every way, shape, and form, is also struggling right now, with both it and Feraligatr being banned from NU yet having no place in RU. Recover also got nerfed this generation, going from 16 PP to 8, and Milotic lost Toxic, making it even more passive and having to rely on Scald and maybe Ice Beam for damage. All in all, Milotic just isn't able to perform its defensive duties as well, leaving Feraligatr to be the better choice.

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Probably worth adding that this answer concerns Gen 9 competitive specifically, lots of this stuff just doesn't apply to old games.
good point
Feraligatr certainly has a place in RU though, it's ranked B+ in the viability rankings which is higher than some other offensive water-types like Crawdaunt, Basculegion-M, etc. At the same time, I think it still faces stiff competition from other Water-types like Basculegion-F, Gyarados, Barraskewda, etc. While it can boost its middling Spe with DD, it feels still rather slow. And if it's running DD then it can't OHKO switch-ins like Slowbro, Amonguss, Wo-Chien, Empoleon, etc which are Pokemon that occupy high positions in the VR.

Milotic on the other hand may be NU instead of NUBL like Feraligatr, but it still has a decent niche in NU as it's ranked A- in the NU viability rankings. Sure, even if Vaporeon does exist and is ranked slightly higher at A, Milotic can perform a similar role and isn't simply outclassed. It has a nearly equal physical bulk to Vaporeon and a slightly better special bulk however Recover is more reliable than Wish (at the cost of not being able to heal teammates). Thus it can be less passive as it does not to click Protect every time after Wish if it's at low HP which frees up slot for something like Ice Beam to hit Pokemon like Flygon or Dragon Tail/Haze to phaze out set-up sweepers.

Hence even though Feraligatr may be tiered higher, Milotic can be actually used viably in a tier which imo matters more since you'd consider running a Pokemon viably and not which one has a higher tier.