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What ivs does a Pokemon need for hidden power to be a hidden power fire?

Lets say its 2 IVs for a stat(s). Would I need to put 2 in each of my iv stats? Or just 2 ivs in one stat? I'm deeply confused.


1 Answer

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Best answer

31 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Def, 30 SAtk, 31 SDef, 30 Spd is one of the combinations to get Hidden Power Fire at base 70 BP.

Well thanks to mew for finding this combination but 31 HP / 2 Atk / 31 Def / 30 SAtk / 31 SDef / 30 Spd gives you base 70 BP Hidden Power Fire.

edited by
I bet you anything that I can find one.
31 HP / 2 Atk / 31 Def / 30 SAtk / 31 SDef / 30 Spd
