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For Black and White 2, Twist Mountain, I need to get through but the walls fell. Do I have to do something?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

You can't go through Twist Mountain until you beat the game(aka the story). So yes you need to do that before you can go through Twist Mountain.

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when is the end of the story?
When you beat the E4 for the first time.
but how do I get 8 badges since I don't know any other way to get to gyms.
Thank you very much for your answer. I was planning to evolve my eevee to glaceon since begining of the game. But now I understand it is useless before elite four.
1 vote

If you are still early in the game then you can't get in Twist Mountain yet. You need to go back to Mistralton and get on the plane that takes you to Lentimas Town/Reversal Mountain.

You can only get to Twist Mountain from Icirrus City, after beating the Elite 4.

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