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2 votes

like ultra balls and and repeat balls


2 Answers

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As of the Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC. Note that all Poké Balls (excluding the Master Ball and Beast Ball) have a 0.1× catch rate modifier when attempting to catch an Ultra Beast.

Introduced in Generation I

Poké Ball — 1×
Great Ball — 1.5×
Ultra Ball — 2×
Master Ball — 255×, guaranteed capture.
Safari Ball — 1×, only usable in Safari Zones, prior to Gen VIII.

Introduced in Gen II

Fast Ball — 4× if used on a Pokémon with a base Speed of 100 or more, 1× otherwise.
Level Ball — 1× if the player's Pokémon's level is less than or equal to that of the wild Pokémon, 2× if the player's Pokémon's level is greater than that of the wild Pokémon, but less than double it, 4× if the player's Pokémon's level is more than double that of the wild Pokémon, but less than four times it, 8× if the player's Pokémon's level is four times or more than that of the wild Pokémon.
Lure Ball — 4× (3× in Johto, 5× in Alola), when used on a Pokémon encountered while fishing, 1× otherwise.
Heavy Ball — -20 (or guaranteed to fail in SM) when used on a Pokémon weighing 99.9 kg (220.2 lbs.) or less, ±0 when used on a Pokémon weighing 100.0 kg - 199.9 kg (or 220.5 lbs. - 440.7 lbs.), +20 if used on a Pokémon weighing 200.0 kg - 299 kg (440.9 lbs. - 661.2 lbs.), +30 when used on a Pokémon weighing 300.0 kg (661.4 lbs.) or more. Note that, thanks to a glitch in Gen II, Pokémon who's index numbers are divisible by 64 (Kadabra, Tauros, and Sunflora) are interpreted as receiving the highest catch rate modifier.
Love Ball - 8× if used on a Pokémon of the same species but opposite gender (or the same gender in Gen II) as the player's Pokémon, 1× otherwise.
Friend Ball — 1×, sets caught Pokémon's friendship to 200 (Gen II-VII), or 150 (Gen VIII+)
Moon Ball — 4× when used on a Pokémon that evolves by using a Moon Stone, 1× otherwise. Note that, thanks to a programming error in Gen II, it always has a 1× catch modifier.
Sport Ball — 1×, or 1.5× prior to Gen VIII

Introduced in Generation III

Net Ball — 3.5× when used on a Water or Bug-type Pokémon, 1× otherwise.
Dive Ball — 3.5× if used on a water-dwelling Pokémon, 1× otherwise. In Gen III, it only had an increased catch rate underwater while using Dive.
Nest Ball ((41 - Pokémon's level) ÷ 10)× if the wild Pokémon's level is between 1 and 29, 1× otherwise.
Repeat Ball - 3.5× when used on a Pokémon that is already registered in the player's Pokédex as caught, 1× otherwise.
Timer Ball — (1 + number of turns passed in battle * 1229/4096)×, maximum of 4× at 10 turns.
Luxury Ball — 1×, doubles the rate that the contained Pokémon's friendship increases.
Premier Ball — 1×

Introduced in Generation IV

Dusk Ball — 3× when used in a cave or at night, 1× otherwise.
Heal Ball — 1×, fully restores a caught Pokémon's HP and PP and removes their status conditions.
Quick Ball — 5× when used on the first turn of battle, 1× otherwise.
Cherish Ball — 1×, unobtainable, but used for various event Pokémon.
Park Ball — 255×, guaranteed capture when used in Pal Park. Unobtainable outside of it, but it functions as if it were a regular Poké Ball otherwise.

Introduced in Generation V

Dream Ball — 4× when used on a sleeping Pokémon, 1× otherwise. Used only in the Entree Forest prior to Gen VIII, where it had a catch rate modifier of 255×.

Introduced in Generation VII

Beast Ball — 5× if used on an Ultra Beast, 0.1× otherwise.

Introduced in Pokémon: Legends Arceus

Strange Ball — 0.75×, defaults to Poké Ball (Hisui) in PL:A, has no catch rate in BDSP. Unobtainable, Pokémon in PL:A that were transferred in from other games via Pokémon HOME, as well as PL:A transferred into other games will be displayed in this ball.
Poké Ball (Hisui) — 0.75×
Great Ball (Hisui) — 1.5×
Ultra Ball (Hisui) — 2.25×
Feather Ball — 1×, 1.25× on wild Pokémon that fly high in the air. Can be thrown further than a regular Poké Ball.
Wing Ball — 1.5×, 1.75× on wild Pokémon that fly high in the air. Can be thrown further than a Feather Ball.
Jet Ball — 2×, 2.75× on wild Pokémon that fly high in the air. Can be thrown further than a Wing Ball.
Heavy Ball (Hisui) — 1×, 1.25× on wild Pokémon that haven't noticed the player or during battle. Doesn't fly far.
Leaden Ball — 1.75×, 2× on wild Pokémon that haven't noticed the player or during battle. Doesn't fly far.
Gigaton Ball — 2.5×, 2.75× on wild Pokémon that haven't noticed the player or during battle. Doesn't fly far.
Origin Ball — N/A, Automatically catches Origin Forme Dialga or Palkia at the end of the main story in PL:A.


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9 votes
  • Poké Ball: 1x
  • Great Ball: 1.5x
  • Ultra Ball: 2x
  • Master Ball: 225x
  • Safari Ball: 1.5x
  • Level Ball: 1-5x, dependant on your Poekmon's level in comparison to the Wild Pokemon
  • Lure Ball: 3x when fishing, 1x otherwise
  • Moon Ball: 4× if used on a Pokémon belonging to the Nidoran♂, Nidoran♀, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, or Skitty families, 1x otherwise
  • Friend Ball: 1x
  • Love Ball: 8× if used on a Pokémon of the same species as, but opposite gender of, the player's Pokémon, 1× otherwise
  • Heavy Ball: -20 if used on Pokémon weighing less than 451.5 lbs, +20 if used on Pokémon weighing between 451.5 lbs and 677.3 lbs, +30 if used on Pokémon weighing between 677.3 lbs and 903.0 lbs, +40 if used on Pokémon weighing more than 903.0 lbs
  • Fast Ball: 4× if used on a Pokémon that run from battle or roaming Pokémon (GSC), 4× if used on a Pokémon with a base Speed of at least 100 (HGSS), 1× otherwise
  • Sport Ball: 1.5x
  • Net Ball: 3× if used on a Water-type or Bug-type Pokémon, 1× otherwise
  • Timer Ball: ((number of turns passed in battle + 10) ÷ 10)×, maximum 4× (RSEFRLGDPPtHGSS), 1× + 1229 ÷ 4096× (0.3×) per turn passed in the battle, maximum 4× (BWB2W2)
  • Repeat Ball: 3× if used on a Pokémon that is registered in the player's Pokédex as caught, 1× otherwise
  • Premier Ball: 1x
  • Nest Ball: ((40 - Pokémon's level) ÷ 10)×, minimum 1×
  • Dive Ball: 3.5× if used while underwater (RSE), 3.5× if used on a water-dwelling Pokémon (FRLGDPPtHGSSBWB2W2), 1× otherwise
  • Luxury Ball: 1x
  • Heal Ball: 1x
  • Quick Ball: 5x on first turn of battle (BWB2W2), 4x on first turn of battle (DPPTHGSS), 1x otherwise
  • Dusk Ball: 3.5× if used in a cave or at night, 1× otherwise
  • Cherish Ball: 1x
  • Park Ball: 255x
  • Dream Ball: 255x


The Master Ball should be 255x, not 225x.