PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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35 Answers

0 votes

Well my Red team was

- Dig
- Flamethrower
- Slash
- Mega Punch

Flamethrower is STAB. Dig is for coverage, and has a nice 100 power. Slash is for extra coverage, and Mega Punch is filler.

- Thunderbolt
- Swift
- Skull Bash
- Mega Kick

Thunderbolt is STAB. The rest are filler, since Raichu doesn't get a great movepool.

- Surf
- Strength
- Earthquake
- Thrash

Surf and Strength are HMs. Earthquake is STAB, and Thrash is filler.

- Acid
- Cut
- Sleep Powder
- Petal Dance

Petal Dance and Acid are STAB (If only Vileplume got better Poison moves in this gen). Cut is for HM purposes, and Sleep Powder is filler, but can be useful in battle.

- Tri Attack
- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Double-Edge

Fly and Drill Peck are Flying STAB, and Tri Attack and Double-Edge are Normal STAB. Not much to say.

- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Horn Attack

Surf and Hydro Pump are Water STAB. Only use Hydro Pump in tough situations however. Ice Beam is coverage, and Horn Attack is filler.

This was the team I used for Red. Victreebel can be used instead of Vileplume if you are playing Blue.

Raichu over Jolteon? But why? Since your Nidoking has the extra filler space, I say give him more elemental utility. He has a very flexible TM pool.
0 votes

I've just begun playing Yellow again. Here's the team I've planned on building. This obviously doesn't have the BEST Pokemon, but I wanted to use Pokemon I really like while maintaining a viable competency.

Pikachu - (Starter)
- Thunderbolt
- Submission
- Mega Kick
- Flash / Dig

Dig is an option over Flash if you don't find it useful.

Nidoking - (Route 2)
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam/Blizzard
- Rock Slide
- Strength

This Pokemon has one of the widest movepools in the game. I strongly considered Fire Blast, Submission, and Thunder, but all three of those TMs went to other Pokemon.

Flareon - (Celadon Mansion)
- Flamethrower
- Double Edge
- Toxic
- Rest

Definitely the weakest Pokemon on this list. It's also my favorite so I put up with it. A lot of other Fire types would work fine right here. I wish Flareon at least learned Dig in this generation.

Parasect - (Mt Moon B1F/B2F)
- Spore
- Take Down
- Solarbeam/Mega Drain
- Swords Dance

This Pokemon is fat, and using Swords Dance and Spore quickly make it the most powerful on the team. It's easily able to power through the bulkiest teams. Spore is also very useful in catching Pokemon.

Starmie (Fishing on Route 19)
- Surf / BubbleBeam
- Recover
- Psychic
- Thunder

Starmie is easily one of the best Pokemon in this game. It's a Psychic type, which are infamous in this generation. It has very high speed, so it's able to crit a lot. A pretty good movepool with a good Special stat make it incredibly reliable.

Aerodactyl (Pewter Museum-Cinnabar Lab)
- Fly
- Fire Blast
- Take Down
- Sky Attack

This was my filler Fly user. If you don't care about Fly this can be any Pokemon. I would suggest a Normal type. Regardless this Pokemon is very strong, as well as being tied with Jolteon and Mewtwo for second fastest Pokemon (fastest is Electrode). If this thing could learn Rock Slide, and could be obtained earlier in the game, I think it would be much more popular.

U can't evolve your starter...
0 votes

I used this team in Yellow, and it worked pretty well for me.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Quick Attack
- Body Slam

Your only starter choice. Thunderbolt is the best Electric move except for Thunder, but I prefer accuracy over power. Thunder Wave to cripple opponents, Quick Attack for priority, and Body Slam for a strong attack that can paralyze.

- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Slash
- Earthquake

The best flyer in Kanto, with a decent movepool for Gen 1. Flamethrower for STAB, Fly because it's useful, Slash for critical hits (in Gen 1 critical hits are based off of Speed), and Earthquake for coverage.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Strength
- Dig

This guy is pretty much an HM slave. Surf for STAB (and I don't like Hydro Pump), Ice Beam and Dig for coverage, and Strength because you need it.

- Razor Leaf
- Solar Beam / Mega Drain
- Toxic
- Cut

Venusaur has a pretty bad movepool, even for Gen 1, but I always like to use all of the starters in Yellow. Razor Leaf for STAB and more critical hits, Solar Beam if you think Venusaur can survive an extra turn, Mega Drain if you want to restore HP instead, Toxic to stall, and it works well on Venusaur, and Cut because you need it, and Venusaur doesn't get anything else.

- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Rock Slide / Thrash
- Fire Blast / Surf

We already used Earthquake, so I made Nidoking the team member that you can use in almost any situation. Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Rock Slide and Fire Blast are coverage, Thrash is because a strong Normal-type attack is never a bad thing, and Surf is if you used Hydro Pump on Blastoise.

- Body Slam
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic
- Blizzard

Body Slam for STAB, Hyper Beam for power, and Psychic and Blizzard for coverage.

I hope that this team helps you in Pokemon Yellow!

your snorlax need amnessia to more powerful and i think charizard with sword dance in stead of slash, make charizard is a powerful physical sweeper
Venusaur isn't bad, it's Leech Seed and Sleep Powder is a powerful combo
0 votes

- Surf (HM03)
- Strength (HM04)
- Ice Beam (TM13)
- Hyper Beam (TM15)

This is your starter and the best one in my opinion. Surf and Strength make it an HM slave, and Surf is actually also usable as a STAB attack. Ice Beam is for coverage and Hyper Beam for OHKOs. Keep in mind that if Hyper Beam knocks out a Pokemon in gen 1, there is no recharge.

- Psychic (Learned at Level 38)
- Dig (TM28)
- Recover (Learned at Level 31)
- Reflect (TM23)

Every Gen 1 team needs an OP Psychic Pokemon. Alakazam can also be used instead of Kadabra, but I didn't have access to trading. Psychic is the best Psychic-type attack, and Dig can be used for caves. Recover is nice since Kadabra's Defense isn't great. Reflect can be used for setting up in longer battles, such as against Gym Leaders and the Elite Four.

- Thunderbolt (TM24)
- Thunder Wave (Learned at Level 40 / TM45)
- Pin Missile (Learned at Level 48)
- Double Kick (Learned at Level 42)

Jolteon is the Electric-type sweeper, and I chose him over Raichu for Speed. Thunderbolt is his main STAB attack, with Thunder Wave for paralysis. Pin Missile is Bug-type and takes care of Psychic-types. Double Kick is for coverage.

- Fly (HM02)
- Mimic (TM31)
- Double-Edge (TM10)
- Rest (TM44)

Fly is for obvious reasons. Mimic can get some cool moves, but Double-Edge is its main attack. Once recoil and enemy damage adds up, Rest can be used to heal it off.

- Rock Slide (TM48)
- Thunder (TM25)
- Counter (TM18)
- Earthquake (TM26)

Most teams need a strong physical tank, and Rhydon and Nidoking are usually the best options. I chose Nidoking simply because Nidoking is available much earlier, being available once you get the Moon Stone at Mt. Moon.

- Cut (HM01)
- Mega Drain (TM21)
- Razor Leaf (Learned by Bellsprout at Level 39)
- Sleep Powder (Learned by Bellsprout at Level 18)

This Pokemon can be swapped for a Fire-type -- however, I prefer a status effect inflictor that can heal back up with Mega Drain. Cut is also nice to have since many teams do not include a Pokemon that can learn it.

- Cut (HM01)
- Mega Drain (TM21)
- Sleep Powder (Learned by Oddish at Level 19)
- Poison Powder (Learned by Oddish at Level 15)

This is the alternative to Victreebel. It is a little bit less offensively focused.

Huge thanks to @Poke'slash for some of the ideas for Blastoise, Kadabra, Fearow, and Vileplume.

For Fearow, I think Mirror Move is more reliable. Although it does mean having to wait for your opponent to use something on you first. Mimic is a straight up gamble. If you insist on using Mimic, then why not swap out Fearow for a Dodrio? It has slightly better stats and can use the same moveset you picked.
0 votes

- Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed
- Toxic
- Body Slam

Razor Leaf is for STAB, it's the best you can get in Gen 1 because Giga Drain didn't exist. Leech Seed + Toxic is for lots of damage plus health gain. Body Slam is just a strong physical move.

- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Recover

Surf and Psychic are good STAB moves, plus they are pretty strong (Both 90 base power and Surf has HM usage). Ice Beam is just a good filler attack for any Water type, and Recover is used so it can regain some health without Potions.

- Drill Peck
- Agility
- Tri Attack
- Fly

Drill Peck because it is one of the best STAB moves it can learn. Agility for raising Speed and Tri Attack because it is a strong Normal move that can inflict status on a target. Fly because it is in-game, so you don't want to constantly go back to the P.C. for a Flying type (Pidgeot or Fearow work too, but I think Dodrio has better stats).

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Pin Missile
- Double Kick

Thunderbolt for STAB and Thunder Wave to paralyze and lower speed. Pin Missile because it's pretty broken in Gen 1 and Double Kick for Normal coverage.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Submission
- Explosion

Earthquake and Rock Slide for STAB and Submission for coverage and to deal with those pesky strong Normal types. Graveler and Golem can take a hit and deal out good damage, and Explosion can be used to put big dents in foes' health.

- Body Slam
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Amnesia

A final team slot for filler and overall great stats. Body Slam because it is a strong physical Normal move (you can teach it stronger things, but most have recoil), Psychic for Fighting and Poison coverage, Seismic Toss for a set amount of damage and to deal with Normal types, and Amnesia because it's broken on Snorlax.

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Tri-Attack doesn't inflict status in Gen I. That started with Gen II. It's just a basic damage dealing move here.
0 votes

This for Red/Blue ONLY. My team is based on what's easily accessible, even if that means waiting until later in the game, and spreading the GOOD TMs as far as possible. I also picked up a Weedle which I evolved to Beedrill to have a HM Cut slave, and Pikachu for Thundershock/Thunder Wave. By only having 3 Pokemon by the time you get to Cerulean, your starter is almost definitely overleveled. My Ivysaur was level 20 before the rival battle just before the Cerulean Cape. I did pick up my Ground type early, thanks to a glitch, but I'd recommend Dugtrio (Level 29, can be obtained quickly by skipping some of the Cerulean Cape trainers, Misty's gym and a few trainers between Cerulean and Vermilion while you go get it, and them return to Cerulean to pick up where you left off). Less active Pokemon, means less grinding and higher levels, which makes beating Misty a cinch.
My team's levels as of entering Cerulean the first time:

This is the team I've planned for the Elite 4, and as such isn't fine tuned. I'm still mid game, with my team about Level 30; however, most of them have learned most of their final moves by now.

Pikachu/Beedrill/Kadabra (Used these three only until Celadon, using them as needed for typing. Picked Pikachu and Beedrill up in Viridian Forest, and picked up Kadabra as an Abra (north of Cerulean).

I used them until I got to Celadon, then I skipped ahead from Rock Tunnel, while skipping every trainer I could. This was so I could go back to Rock Tunnel after getting Eevee in Celadon (and evolving it into Jolteon). Kadabra is one of your two main special sweepers, unless you use the Mew Glitch, which I did. I'll leave sets for both.

Venusaur: Status Monster
- Mega Drain / Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed
- Toxic (TM) / Sleep Powder
- Substitute (TM) / Growth

Ideally, put the foe to sleep, or go for bulk via the infamous Leech Seed/Toxic combo (Leech Seed takes more HP away, and thus gives Venusaur more HP, if the foe is badly poisoned), or sleep and boost. My reason for picking Bulbasaur is simple: I saved my Water type slot for a far better Water type than Blastoise, and Charizard, while incredibly cool looking, doesn't learn Fly or any strong Fire attack until late game. AND with it being so underwhelming against the first two Gyms, no thanks.

Rhydon: Physical Sweeper
- Earthquake (TM)
- Rock Slide (TM)
- Dig
- Body Slam / Horn Drill

Mainly used for sweeping, because it's bulky and has dual STAB. Dig for early game utility. Body Slam is a TM and Lapras learns it naturally, meaning you can save it for this. You can either grab a Rhyhorn around level 25-28 in Safari Zone, or use the Trainer Fly/Teleport Glitch to obtain a level 7 Rhyhorn in the Cerulean Cape.

Dodrio: Physical Sweeper
- Hyper Beam
- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Tri Attack

Self explanatory. STAB, and one of the few Pokemon to actually learn Tri Attack. You don't really need a Flying type early game. You can skip Erika temporarily, to go down Cycling Road, and pick up a Doduo.

Lapras: Mixed Tank
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam
- Sing

Sing for sleep, Surf and Ice Beam for STAB. These make it a better Water type than any other in Gen 1, as STAB Ice Beam thumps Lance. Body Slam is for paralysis. You get it from a glitch in Cerulean Cape, or via the in game battle with your rival in Silph Tower in Saffron, via a guy standing just to the left of your rival. Its only Level 16, but well worth the effort.

Jolteon: Special
- Thunderbolt (TM)
- Double Kick
- Pin Missile / Quick Attack
- Thunder Wave / Agility / Flash

Mainly used to sweep, but it has support options. Can be picked up and evolved at Level 25, and if you skip ahead as I did, the rest of your party should be level 20ish or more if you grind. If you saved your TM24, it makes Jolteon a strong choice. Based on the crit rate being related to Speed in Gen 1, Thunder Wave and Agility are very good level-up moves, meaning you can save TM45 for a different Pokemon.

Kadabra / Alakazam: Special Sweeper
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss / Amnesia / Thunder Wave
- Reflect
- Recover

Alakazam if you can trade, Kadabra if you can't trade, and don't want Mew (for some unknown reason). Kadabra is still fairly strong in Gen 1, seeing as there's no GOOD Dark/Bug/Ghost moves.

If you're dead set against glitches, use Dugtrio instead of Rhydon.

Dugtrio: Sweeper
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Slash
- Sand Attack / Substitute / Dig

Mew Glitch/Trainer Fly Glitch can be found here:

Video Description also provides a map of what Pokemon you encounter via the glitch by battling a specific trainer, or by battling one of a trainer's multiple Pokemon.

If a trainer has more then one Pokemon, than you have to intentionally faint against whatever Pokemon gives you the desired encounter, meaning you can get infinite encounters, if you choose.

0 votes

My Blue playthrough team is as follows:

- Surf: STAB and an HM
- Dig / Earthquake: Coverage for Electric weakness, and a TM
- Strength: HM
- Ice Beam / Blizzard: Coverage for Grass weakness, and for Lance in the Elite Four

Ice Beam can be switched out for Blizzard.

- Earthquake / Dig: STAB for Bruno’s Onixes and Agatha in the Elite Four
- Thrash / Mega Kick: For sweeping squishy Pokemon
- Rock Slide: Coverage for Ice weakness and for Flying types, since the latter are immune to Earthquake
- Submission / Counter / Double Kick: Coverage for Ice weakness

Earthquake can be switched out for Dig; Thrash can be swapped out for Mega Kick; Submission can be switched out for Counter or Double Kick.

- Flamethrower: STAB and for Lorelei in the Elite Four
- Toxic: Poison stall
- Double Team: Also poison stall
- Quick Attack: For finishing off weak Pokemon

Quick Attack can be swapped out for Rest, but Ninetales is fairly squishy, so you’ll just end up losing the HP again while you’re asleep.

- Thunderbolt / Thunder: STAB and for Lorelei in Elite Four
- Pin Missile: Coverage for Alakazam
- Flash: HM
- Bite / Quick Attack: For flinching or priority

Thunderbolt can be swapped out for Thunder; Bite can be swapped out for Double Kick or Quick Attack.

- Psychic / Psywave: STAB and for Bruno in the Elite Four
- Mega Drain / Solar Beam: STAB and for HP recovery
- Sleep Powder / Hypnosis: For catching Pokemon
- Leech Seed: For HP recovery and passive damage

Psychic can be swapped out for Psywave; Mega Drain can be swapped out for Solar Beam; Sleep Powder can be switched out for Hypnosis.

- Fly: STAB and an HM
- Cut: STAB and an HM
- Sand Attack: Provides longevity
- Swords Dance: Provides damage

Farfetch’d is an HM slave, and really only useful as a last stand.

Pokémon Replacements:

Blastoise can be swapped out for a Cloyster or Lapras.

Nidoking can be switched out for Nidoqueen, Marowak, or Rhydon.

Ninetales can be swapped out for Rapidash, Charizard, or Flareon, since Arcanine isn’t available in Blue.

Jolteon can be switched out for Raichu, Electrode, or Electabuzz.

Exeggutor can be swapped out for Venasaur, Vileplume, or Victreebel.

Farfetch’d is the only Pokémon that can use both Cut and Fly, aside from Mew

0 votes

This team is very good, but early game you might have struggles.

- Fire Blast (Cinnabar Gym)
- Flamethrower (Level 46)
- Mega Kick (Celadon City)
- Cut (SS Anne)

Your starter, the reason you take it over the other two is because it makes you have to face a Blastoise over a Gyarados when you face your rival. Charizard is useful against Erika, Lorelei's Jinx, Brunos Fighting types, and your rival's Exeggutor.

- Hyper Beam (Celadon Game Corner)
- Blizzard (Pokemon Mansion)
- Ice Beam (Shellder Level 50)
- Surf (Safari Zone)

Cloyster is an absolute tank and the best Pokemon in the party. You can obtain Shellder in the Seafoam Islands, but the one drawback is that you shouldn't evolve it until Level 50, when it Learns Ice Beam. Cloyster is great against Blaine, Giovanni, Bruno's Rock types, Lance, and your rivals Pidgeot, Exeggutor, Arcanine, and Rhydon.

- Take Down (Celadon City)
- Body Slam (SS Anne)
- Strength (Fuchsia City)
- Submission (Celadon City)

Yes, a Bug type. Its high Attack will be great against powerful Psychic types like your rival's Alakazam and Exeggutor (and Sabrina). You can obtain Pinsir at the Celadon Game Corner.

- Solar Beam (Exeggcute Level 42)
- Psychic (Saffron City)
- Double Edge (Rocket Hideout)
- Egg Bomb (Celadon City)

One of my favorite Pokemon due to its Grass/Psychic typing. You can obtain it in the Safari Zone. Do not evolve Exeggcute until Level 42, when it learns Solar Beam. It is useful against Koga, Giovanni, Lorelei, Bruno's Rock types, Agatha, and your rival's Blastoise.

- Thunder (Level 54)
- Thunderbolt (Vermillion Gym)
- Skull Bash (Safari Zone)
- Take Down (Eevee Level 45)

The best Electric type in the game by far. You can evolve Eevee at Level 45 in Celadon City. Jolteon is useful against Lorelei, Lance's Gyarados, and your rival's Pidgeot and Blastoise.

- Earthquake (Silph Co.)
- Thunder (Power Plant)
- Surf (Safari Zone)
- Body Slam (Level 23)

This is the worst Pokemon in the party. I chose to throw it in there for insurance early game, as you can get a Nidoran on Route 22 and evolve it right away in Mt. Moon. It is useful against Lt Surge, Blaine, Bruno's Rock types, and your rival's Exeggutor.

0 votes

This is a team for Yellow. Dump your Pikachu for a Jolteon.

- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Strength
- Swords Dance

Charizard is a good HM Slave since it can learn Fly in Yellow.

- Leech Seed
- Razor Leaf
- Growth
- Cut

Alternative: Victreebel
- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Cut
- Wrap

You can use Victreebel if your Pikachu doesn't have enough Happiness, but Venusaur is better.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Pin Missile
- Double Kick

Jolteon is just a better Electric type Than Pikachu (Don't use TM Thunderbolt on Pikachu).

- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Thrash
- Blizzard

Nidoking has a great movepool, making it very versatile.

- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Recover

Starmie is a good special sweeper since Water, Ice, and Psychic are good attacking types.

- Body Slam
- Hyper Beam
- Amnesia
- Surf

Snorlax has 160 HP and 110 Attack, making it the best counter for Psychic types.

0 votes

Here's my best team for Pokemon Yellow. I won't be including more than one starter like many other answers do.

- Thunderbolt
- Quick Attack
- Double Team
- Thunder Wave

This is the starter. Raichu is better but you can't evolve Pikachu In this game so, yeah. This is the best moveset I can find. It's not that good but that's all the good moves it has. Thunderbolt is STAB, Quick Attack for priority, Double Team is a setup move, and Thunder Wave for crippling speed.

- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Earthquake
- Body Slam

This is the only starter I have on this team. It's got really good stats and fits in the rest of the team. Flamethrower and Fly are STAB, Earthquake is for coverage against Rock types since Charizard is 4x weak to them, and Body Slam for a decent Normal type move.

- Toxic
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf

This thing is fantastic! Yes, you get it pretty late, but it's worth it. It's got superb HP and decent Special. Toxic for stalling, Thunderbolt for coverage, and Ice Beam and Surf are STAB.

- Fly
- Rest
- Hyper Beam
- Drill Peck

This is the flyer and it's the best of them. It has very high Attack and Speed, and can be a good team member. Hyper Beam and Drill Peck for STAB, Fly for transportation and Rest to restore HP.

- Agility
- Skull Bash
- Counter
- Submission

It's a very good Fighting type. It is the second gift Pokemon on this team. It has high Attack and Special, and decent Speed and Defence. Agility is a good setup move to have, Skull Bash for a hard-hitting Normal type , Counter for priority and Submission for STAB.

- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder
- Solar Beam
- Psychic

This is one of the most underrated Pokemon of all time. Yes, it's 4x weak to Bug but the Bug type is garbage in Gen 1. It's got 125 Special, which is great. Leech Seed for HP recovery, Sleep Powder for some annoyance to the opponent and Solar Beam and Psychic are STAB.

And that's it. Let me know how the team is. I used this team in Yellow -- it's brilliant and I definitely recommend trying this out. Thanks!

0 votes

This is for Red and Blue.

- Razor Leaf
- Mega Drain
- Cut
- Sleep Powder

Venusaur is useful early in the game. Unfortunately, its movepool is garbage, but the other team members will compensate for that.

- Psychic
- Mimic
- Disable
- Flash

This guy is a staple, as Psychic types were broken in Gen 1. If you can't trade, Kadabra is still really good. It also has a garbage movepool, but most of the time you will only use Psychic anyways.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Horn Drill
- Strength

Lapras is not only a great surfer, but also has the rare Ice type, and will destroy Lance. Unlike the last two, this thing has a really decent movepool.

- Fly
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Agility

Zapdos is the best flyer in the game, but it is a legendary. Fearow will be the best option before you get Zapdos, but of course you can use it instead of Zapdos if you want.

- Slash
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dig

Dugtrio is really useful because of its high speed and crit ratio. The last move is for escaping caves.

Arbok for Red / Victreebel for Blue
- Wrap
- Toxic
- Acid
- Fissure (Arbok) / Razor Leaf (Victreebel)

The last member depends on the version.

0 votes

Heres the team that I used in my first playthrough of R/B.

- Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed
- Toxic
- Growth

Best Kanto Starter in a playthrough, as the first 3 Gyms are either walled by or vulnerable to Grass types. Venusaur has good bulk with decent Speed, so it will have a higher critical hit ratio with Razor Leaf already having that additional effect. Overall it's good utility and good offensive potential.

- Drill Peck
- Double-Edge
- Swift
- Fly

Fearow is the best early game flyer, as it's got a high Speed stat and solid Attack, giving it a high critical ratio. Access to Drill Peck is really nice, with other good STAB moves to help it (mainly Fly to move around the region quicker). Dodrio is better stat-wise but availability-wise Fearow is better.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Explosion
- Strength

Good physical wall with a high Attack stat. It's able to take hits and dish them out with Earthquake and Rock Slide, with Explosion for emergency situations and Strength for filler. All its moves take advantage of its high Attack.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Explosion
- Flash

The fastest Pokemon in the game, having a high critical hit ratio, good utility, and decent Special Attack. It can KO a lot of Water and Flying types it encounters. Lorelei falls to Electrode as well.

- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Amnesia

The MVP of my team, as it can set up with Amnesia, raising its Special stat by 2 stages. It can sweep through teams, especially the E4 and Champion.

Have fun using this team :)

0 votes

This team I used in Pokemon red


Ur starter, it may not seem good in the first gym, but brock´s geodude and onix don´t have a rock type move
so its just ember them to death, it will be good in the third gym with dig, ur most powerful weapon against erika
Flamethrower is STAB, slash is crit move, dig is coverage and cut is a necesarry hm in the game
(zard didn´t learn fly back in RB)

-mega drain
-sleep powder
-stun spore

Good ingame partner for charizard, can win misty with absorb, cover rock and ground in kanto, defeat most of giovanni team every time you battle him (except kang and the nidos). Plume can also help you to catch Pokemons with sleep powder, and can slow down fast Pokemon with stun spore. Mega drain is stab, acid is also stab and powders are fillers.

-ice beam

Is the worst nightmare of lance´s dragons(aero cannot learn rock slide back on FRLG, so no problem), also do well in the battle against blanie and giovanni, and the entire rival team, except alakazam. Surf is stab and required hm, ice beam stab, thunderbolt is coverage and sing is help to catch Pokemon(again)

-drill peck
-tri attack
-quick attack

Flier of the team, but is good against bruno as well you use drill peck(use plume for onix).
But this thing packs a hard punch with tri attack and drill peck as STAB, Fly is used as a Hm,
quick attack is just a filler.

-hyper beam
-fire blast

Tauros is just very good in gen 1, it can wreck down giovanni with blizzaed/earthquake, bull has amazing stats in general, hyper beaming stronger opponents, if hyper beam kills opposing Pokemon, no need to recharge,
and body slammin weaker ones. Strength/Hyper Beam are Stab. Fire Blast/Blizzard are coverage.
Strength is aslo a hm.

-rock slide

Just very good, its one of the most dominant physical sweepers in kanto, will be well againt blanie, some flying type trainers and much more. Rock slide and earthquake are Stab, submission is coverage and double edge is good for dealing neutral damage.

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This was the last team I used in a recent playthrough of Yellow. It does not utilize Psychic types so if you're looking for a team without them, then this might interest you.

Body Slam
Ice Beam

Tauros will be the last Pokémon you get via Safari Zone and while it will be a pain to catch and level up(Slow XP), it's arguably a top 3 Pokémon overall. Natural Strength user that gains STAB and Body Slam would be best utilized on it as well. Earthquake and Ice Beam for coverage.

Aurora Beam/Ice Beam
Acid Armor
Quick Attack/Swift

I love this Eevolution. Bulky and naturally learns an Ice Move on Yellow Version. Acid Armor shores up Defense while tapping into Badge Stacks. 110 Special doesn't hurt either.

Thunder Wave

Magneton is acquired just prior to Rock Tunnel and replaces your starter due to having a 120 Special Stat. Wrecks any Flying or Water Type sent before it.

Fissure/Coverage move

Vulpix is my favorite Pokemon and a strong alternative given it learns Flamethrower earlier but Charmander is the first Fire Type you'll come across and can utilize Fly(Yellow only) upon evolving into Charizard. Natively learns Slash and can utilize a coverage move of your choice(I opted for Fissure).

Sand Attack

Obtained on Route 3, hence an early addition. While not the strongest Ground Type, it's also one that can best take advantage of Dig upon acquiring it. Level 17 Slash plus being a Cut user make it invaluable.

Sleep Powder

Butterfree is the first permanent team member you'll get. Easily crushes Brock for you with Confusion and can capably counter Poison Types for you with its Psychic Type moves while helping catch Pokemon with Sleep Powder. Just be aware that it's vulnerable to Poison in Gen 1 to go along with its existing vulnerabilities(including x4 Rock).

Alternatively, you can use the following team utilizing the Trainer Fly Glitch that can allow you to use Pokémon much earlier in the game or Pokémon that would otherwise be unavailable to you. This team is viable in Red, Blue and Yellow. Red/Blue players can merely substitute their Kanto starter where applicable.

Leech Life
Mega Drain

Parasect is first up and is an underrated Team pick given Paras is found on Mount Moon. Yes, it has a poor typing and yes, its Base Speed leaves much to be desired but it makes up for it by being a great Vampire Pokémon with dual STAB Leech moves, including being the lone Bug type with a STAB Bug move while taking neutral damage from Psychic types. Cherry on top is being a Cut candidate and having a very strong Sleep move in Spore.


Not much to say here. Magneton replaces your Yellow starter upon catching it and makes a solid Flash pick. 120 Special rolls over any Water/Flying types sent before it.

Fire Punch

Magmar can be obtained via the Trainer Fly glitch by battling the Engineer on Route 11 with the Magneton. He'll spawn in at level 7 so it'll take some time to level him up but he's a capable Fire Type that can learn Strength, a notable upside over Ninetales or even Arcanine since Growlithe can also be obtained via Trainer Glitch by battling the Gambler on Route 11 with Water Type Pokémon. Flamethrower does come in a tad late but it does learn Fire Punch at level 43 so it'll be viable at that point.

Ice Beam
Body Slam

Lapras is given away as a gift in Silph Co. but can be obtained much earlier via Trainer Glitch by battling a specific Trainer(Junior Male Trainer) on Route 9 who's final Pokemon is a level 19 Sandshrew. At that point, Lapras can be grinded up a bit before venturing into Rock Tunnel where it can gain valuable Experience to catch up. Bulky Water/Ice type that can make Blaine and Lance a cakewalk. Teach it Psychic and it could solo Bruno and Agatha as well.

Drill Peck
Tri Attack

Doduo comes in rather late as it'll be the final Pokémon you'll get for this team. Yet its a strong Flying type that can help you roll over Erika, Sabrina, Bruno and anyone it has a type advantage on. Agility combined with Badge stacks can make the damage this Pokémon can dish out rather deadly(notably Crits).

Sand Attack

You could roll Nidoking/Nidoqueen/Dugtrio in this slot but I'm an avid fan of Sandslash due to being a natural pick for the Dig TM. He's also a backup Cut User in the event you don't like Parasect for the Grass type pick, or you don't want to put Cut on Venusaur.
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The idea was to put together a late-game team balanced for all in-game aspects (no need for dedicated HM slaves) but also with a competitive edge. Legendaries and pure psychics were shunned. Since it's an unspoken rule to opt for the inclusion of starters, I went with Venusaur even though I would normally nominate Victreebel in this setup.

U MAD BRO? (Tentacruel)

Wrap, then pivot to whatever 'mon is best suited to finish the task. Lather, rinse, repeat. Although with 100 speed and 120 sp. attack, Tentacruel is quite an effective sweeper and can solo many teams entirely on its own.

MIRACLEGRO (Venusaur) / MANDRAGORE (Victreebel)
Venusaur -or- Victreebel

Oops. Did your psychic or ground type manage to sneak in a fatal attack on my Tentacruel despite its 100 speed? Well, let me just pull up my Venusaur to keep your 'mons in check, but this time I'll follow up with a little Sleep Powder for good measure. Also, Toxic has synergy with Leech Seed in this generation, so may as well take advantage of the extra damage.

(If you don't mind ditching your starter, then Victreebel is quite a fierce sweeper with WRAP, SLEEP POWDER, RAZOR LEAF and SWORDS DANCE.)


Hm. Razor Leaf not making the cut? That's okay. My Dodrio can easily pivot in for some gratuitous body slamming. If you're still stunned and/or asleep, you probably won't mind if I sneak in a few crit boosts with Agility. Hyper Beam should make for a good finisher if I decide to let Dodrio sweep the rest of the fight.


Dodrio is too squishy, you say? No worries, I also have a Tauros. Ice Beam and Earthquake are great coverage depending on the type matchup.


What's that, you stunned my Tauros? Well, that's just rude. Let me return the favor by sending some Thunder Wave in your direction. And at 130 speed, it's not like any of your 'mons will even see it coming.


Huh. Bad type matchup? Well, it's a last-ditch effort, but here's my utility Magmar with Psychic and Confuse Ray. You did know Magnar can be taught Psychic, right? (Sorry, Starmie. You have no room on this team.)

Is Tauros really worth using with its abysmal encounter and catch rates?
Tauros is probably a staple for any competitive team. Its stats paired with elemental coverage give it more staying power than most options available in Gen I. Although it does tend to rely on the rest of your team being able to stun/sleep opponents before safely switching in for the sweep. Really, pretty much everything on this list is capable of sweeping entire teams, but you'll notice some of them (like Jolteon) are more specialized. Tauros is mainly there for extra coverage so you don't get walled by an awkward type matchup. Nonetheless, I suppose there are still other options for that if you really don't feel like doing the Safari Zone grind.
These aren't competitive teams. By using Tauros over another Pokemon like Clefable or Dugtrio, the time you spend trying to catch it is probably more than the time you save by using it, especially when you already have a normal Pokemon on the team. Also why do you use a Magmar when it has average special and the entire Elite Four uses like 2 Pokemon that are weak to fire?
Clefable's speed is too much of a liability. There are just too many options that can out-speed Clefable and incapacitate it before it has the opportunity to do any setup. Dugtrio is certainly a viable suggestion, but I never found grinding for a Tauros to be nearly as tedious as some people make it out to be. Of course one's mileage may vary. By all means, throw a Dugtrio in the mix if you like.

Magmar is a decent utility with its speed and flexible move pool. I picked Magmar specifically to address possible gaps in the type selection and movesets chosen for this team, but really there are a lot of other possibilities that could work.