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Do you know any good Pokémon for Double Battles in Rated Mode in Random Matchup
(Eg: Tyranitar, Hitmontop, Dragonite, Metagross) and good moves, items and Abilities for them (That help them and their allies). Thanks!


1 Answer

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Here are some double battle stratergies that you can fit onto Pokemon of your choice.

-1st Pokemon uses Earthquake (Hits all)
-The Second is a Flying Type or has Levitate Ability

-One Pokemon Uses Discharge (Hits all)
-The Second is a Ground Type or has Volt Absorb (Heals from elec), or Motor Drive (Elec does no damage and raises Speed ) ability

-1st Pokemon Uses Lava Plume (Hits all)
-The Second has Flash Fire (Fire does no damage and raises its attack) ability.

-1st Pokemon uses Surf (Hits all)
-The second has the Water Absorb (Heals from Water) or Dry Skin (Heals from Water, Rain Dance acts like leftovers) ability.

-1st Pokemon uses Explosion (Hits all)
-The second uses Protect or Endure (Leaves user with 1 HP) Endure works especially well if hold item is a berry that increases stats when health is low or if the user also knows Flail or Reversal (Lower Health means Higher Attack).

Controlling the Weather can flip a double battle to your advantage if your team is built for a certain condition

Sunny Day
-Raises Fire's power by 50%
-Lowers Water's power by 50%
-Solar Beam takes 1 turn instead of 2
-Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Sythesis restore 100% health instead of 50%
-Doubles Speed of Pokemon with Chloryphil ability
(there are several other abilities that benifit from Sunny Day but they are less usefull)

Rain Dance
-Raises Water's power by 50%
-Lowers Fire's power by 50%
-Solar Beam takes 4 turns instead of 2
-Raises Thunder's accuracy from 75% to 100% and may allow Thunder to break through Protect
-Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Sythesis restore 25% health instead of 50%
-Doubles Speed of Pokemon with Swift Swim ability
-Restores Health to Pokemon with Rain Dish, or Dry Skin ability

Sand Storm
-Hurts all Pokemon except Steel, Rock, and Ground types
-Doubles Special Defence of all Rock Pokemon
-Lowers Thunders accuracy from 75% to 50%
-Solar Beam does half Damage
-Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Sythesis restore 25% health instead of 50%
-Raises evasiveness of Pokemon with Sand Cloak abilty

-Hurts all Pokemon except Ice types
-Raises Blizzard's accuracy from 80% to 100% (Strongest ice move in the game and hits both opponents)
-Solar Beam does half Damage
-Moonlight, Morning Sun, and Sythesis restore 25% health instead of 50%
-Raises evasiveness of Pokemon with Snow Cloak abilty
-Heals Pokemon with the Ice Body ability

Moves that hit both opponcents work well. Here are a few I can think of.

-Razor Leaf
-Muddy Water
-Rock Slide
-Heat Wave
-Water Spout

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