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Like when it rains in cities. What determines it?

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according to the strategy guide, it's just dependent on the date.  Certain days it rains and others dont.  Its preset for certain days but doesnt get into specific details.  Idk if this is what you mean though but hope this helps.
The weather is generated by a random Weather generator, or by abilities of Pokemon and the legendarys listed below. The weather such as rain snow or sunny and ect. is generated by a program that randomly pics time and length of the weather.

Generation V
Generation V introduced seasons, which can affect the occurrence of weather in certain cities and routes. For instance, in Driftveil City, hail and snow are present only during the winter, while rain is common during the spring and autumn. The Pokémon Thundurus and Tornadus cause a storm on the route they are on, which is treated as rain in battle. Despite still being present on some routes, fog is no longer present in battles and cannot be removed via Defog.
Also introduced were several new Abilities that make use of the weather. Sand Rush and Sand Force both benefit a Pokémon during a sandstorm, while Overcoat negates the damage taken in a hailstorm and sandstorm. With the addition of Hidden Abilities, many old Pokémon now have access to weather-related Abilities. Most notability, Drought and Drizzle, previously available only to Groudon and Kyogre, are now available to more Pokémon. Specifically, Vulpix and Ninetales now have access to Drought, while Politoed now has access to Drizzle.

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Weather_conditions#Intense_sunlight

Also though it is about Pokemon not weather this is related to the generator used for weather...

In addition to their changing of routes (something that happens every time the player moves to a new area), The generator used to gen roaming Pokemon is the same or similar to the generating program used for weather!

in conclusion Mew. The generator is a program, that means it will be set by the programmers. Which means that they can set the weather for random after a certain point of gameplay or activity has been reached. So the weather cold be set for a day, then after that day the weather could continue for a random amount of time or until a set weather limit has been reached!@
Experience and other data from other games as such. I did not get it from a website.
Thst isn't really a source
Well, not to reference grand theft auto- The radio stations are set on a time of the date and the amount of time played. If you restarted or saved and reloaded the radio and weather on the game would be the same.
Is that sufficient enough Mew?
Its how other games work, i put two and two together.
Just because other games work like that doesn't Pokemon is lol
If you give me a schedule of the weather changes via link, BA. For now, Upvote.
Wonder where bulbapedia and serebii get their sources
Your edit didn't help at all, btw.
The answer is complete. While it is only a very justified theory it seems to be LEGIT!
I wonder how the weather is affected by status conditions..
lolz if you get burned, there is a higher chance for Sunlight.
So, from what you're saying..
If I change routes, the weather changes.
Yes, You see the message boards in the route change areas, they show weather, and that is what will determine things also.
What the answer says is that whenever I change Routes, the weather changes. So When I go from Route 1 to 2, I get Rain. When I switch from 2 to 1, and back, I won't have Rain anymore.
And I know the weather stays for 1 day.
Not completely. You see the weather that is generated will stay for a set or random amount of time, as the answer says. And The generator/ program decides that.
i think the weather is determined daily
**There are a number of things that can trigger random weather in places:**
![][1] ![][2]
![][3] ![][4]
- Tornadus
- Thunderus
- And some places just randomly have rain or sand for no particular reason **(its always there)**.
- Seasons: These vary with places. Example: Iccirus City is full of snow in the winter.
- Trees also change colour and leaves fall in autumn is kind of a weather.
- It also depends on the date.
- And the Time.

**Source(s):** My experience and research.
Hope I helped.

  [1]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/e/e3/Virbank_City_rain.png
  [2]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9b/Unova_Route_4_BW.png
  [3]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d7/Unova_Route_15.png
  [4]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/HGSS_Diamond_Dust.png
Can you explain more? What happens with a city like Flocessy Town? When will it rain, or snow?
Yeah, He's asking why does it have rain or sand randomly.
I dont think any site has a %.
Look at the answer. @Exca.
You finally decide to hide the answer.
this question hasnt been answered
Flare did. New then hid it.
This looks pretty resolved to me.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Okay, I've actually talked to Pokémon support about this, and they help with the game programming and coding, and this is what they said:

We are unable to comment on how weather is generated in your game, however, we do recommend avoiding any edits of your DS calendar and clock. This can add complications and errors in your game that are not always easily fixed.

The Question and Answer (Note, doesn't work, will add screenshot later.)

I asked because it was bugging me too, and I looked into the weather further. Weather is puzzling. I'll list the conditions that count as weather:
Rain, Sun, Hail, Sandstorm, and fog.
Bulbapedia actually states that there are a few different types of each weather. I'll write a paragraph about each.

> Regular rain falls mainly on Routes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20 in Unova (cycles based on current time), Virbank City (sometimes) Driftveil City (sometimes) Icirrus City (Spring and Summer).
Thunderstorms are from Tornadus and Thunderus.

> Not in Gen V on the over world.

> Light snow is in most western parts of Unova, Route 6, Route 7, and near Dragonspiral Tower (winter only for all).
Heavy snow is in Icirrus City and Route 8 sometimes during the winter.

> Always on Route 4 and Desert Resort.

> The Eastern Routes usually have fog, and can be removed by a trick or by making it your birthday. Giant Chasm has permanent fog as well.

A brief description of Gen V weather:
> Generation V introduced seasons, which can affect the occurrence of weather in certain cities and routes. For instance, in Driftveil City, hail and snow are present only during the winter, while rain is common during the spring and autumn. The Pokémon Thundurus and Tornadus cause a storm on the route they are on, which is treated as rain in battle. Despite still being present on some routes, fog is no longer present in battles and cannot be removed via Defog.

From this, I noticed that everything is "sometimes" and "always" and "time/seasons". This implies that the pretty much all weather in Gen V is determined and limited by date and seasons, so some while snow can be in winter, it can't be in summer. Now, looking back to the support answer, they said that it is technically unknown, so when the seasons happen for the weather, the weather that generates is completely random hence the answer and "sometimes". The cities are the same for the Routes and locations.

Please leave comments so I can edit.

Hope this helps! :D

Source: Bulbapedia and the email.

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According to what they said it would make sense that it's based off the clock.

however, we do recommend avoiding any edits of your DS calendar and clock.
Yeah, from everywhere, weather is based off clock.