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Okay so I'm aware of how egg moves and breeding moves work:

If there are too many candidate moves that the baby can learn, they follow this precedent, with each new move overwriting previous ones:

1.Level 1 moves.
2.Moves that the child learns by level up, if both parents have them.
3.Any compatible TMs, HMs and move tutor moves known by the father.
4.Any egg moves known by the father.

But which lvl one moves do I look it? Is it the lvl 1 moves of the mother? Or is it the lvl 1 moves of the Pokemon that they are going to hatch as?

Ex: If I were to breed a female Torterra, whose lvl 1 moves include Razor leaf, Wood hammer, Absorb, etc. would I be looking at THOSE lvl 1 moves? Or does it mean the lvl 1 moves of the Pokemon that it would hatch as, which is Turtwig? Turtwig's only lvl 1 move is tackle so in this situation it would actually make a significant difference assuming the latter situations don't trump it.

Thanks to anyone who can help me, I looked around and I couldn't find the answer to this question so I apologize if it's already been asked.


1 Answer

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Only a maximum of 4 moves can be passed down to the baby, as all moves being passed down have something to do with the male knowing a move. And every Pokemon can can have a maximum of 4 moves.

>All offspring Pokémon, in the absence of passed-down moves, will know at least one move when hatched, labeled in their level up move list as either "Start" or "--" in lieu of a level number. If these moves, together with the other Egg moves obtained in the above ways, number more than four, then the moves on top of their level up move list (with "Start" or "--") will be the ones that do not show up.

It will replace the Level up moves from top to bottom. In your case with Turtwig:
>If I were to breed a female Torterra, whose lvl 1 moves include Razor leaf, Wood hammer, Absorb, etc. would I be looking at THOSE lvl 1 moves? Or does it mean the lvl 1 moves of the Pokemon that it would hatch as, which is Turtwig? Turtwig's only lvl 1 move is tackle so in this situation it would actually make a significant difference assuming the latter situations don't trump it.

This cannot be determined, as we need to know what Pokemon Torterra is breeding with.


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