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2 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Miltank, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Miltank Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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10 Answers

2 votes

Miltank (F) @ Leftovers

Role: Fabian after Too much B-day Cake

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 48 HP / 160 Atk / 252 SDef / 48 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Fire Punch
  • Body Slam
  • Zen Headbutt
  • Stealth Rock

Okay, This Set is for FabianVasquez6.

A Great Lead, that surprises People, 1 Weakness, that Being Fighting, and a New Found Resistance to Fire and Ice, Fire being a very common type to lead with, This makes him great.

He has Rocks, To set up some annoying Hazards, He has Fire Punch For Ferrothorn Forretress Durant and all other annoying Leads that have only 1 weakness.

Body Slam For STAB and Hopefully some Parahax, Zen Headbutt for Coverage Agaisn't Fighting Types, Although Heart Stam is useable if you want more reliability.

Best Moveset of all Time!!!!!!!!!
2 votes

enter image description here
Miltank @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat / Scrappy
EVs: 104 Atk / 152 Def / 252 SpD
Nature : Careful (+SDef -SAtk)

  • Heal Bell- No Toxic or Thunder Wave for me!
  • Curse- Don't worry- Speed is the least of our worries. In return, your attack and defense rises!
  • Body Slam- KO everybody after maximizing attack!
  • Milk Drink- Make sure to heal yourself along your journey of quadrupling attack & defense! And... SIGNATURE MOVE!

When my brother used this set, he once took out a whole team with just this Miltank, and that was the only Pokemon he used to do so! If you know how to use this Pokemon well, be expecting some OHKOs done by none other than the milk queen!
Miltank sweep w/ this set- here on Pokemon Showdown!

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I love it. (12 characters)
a perfect set for a perfect pokemon <3
1 vote

enter image description here
Miltank@ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 144 SDef / 12 Spd
Calm Nature
Thunder Wave
Seismic Toss
Stealth Rock
Milk Drink

Lead Miltank
This Miltank is a good lead. Thunder Wave is to paralyze opponents, which is really annoying for them. Then Stealth Rock is to... set up rocks to hurt anyone that they send out! Milk Drink Is for whenever you get low HP. Since the opponent is paralyzed, Milk Drink will probably go first! Seismic Toss is to do damage, and Scrappy lets it hit ghost-type Pokemon!

0 votes

Gen VI the great cow wall.

Miltank: Scrappy
Nature: Jolly to give slight outspeed in 100 class.
Item: Weakness policy
252 SPD 252 DEF 4 HP

Power-up Punch
Milk Drink

This set destroys physical teams. Substitute is there so you won't get toxic or will-o-wisp stalled. Miltank can take hits so only a special fighting type will be an issue after weakness policy. Continued powerup punches, milk drink and subs will eventually have it set up to sweep.

0 votes

Miltank - Item: Leftovers. EP Spread: 252 HP. 252 Def. 4 SpD. Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpA) Ability: Scrappy (for those hard-to-reach Ghost types)


Milk Drink - Miltank is a fantastic wall. Nothings is more frustrating than bringing her down only to be healed right back up.

Toxic - Does a great job with stalling

Counter - If you predict a strong attack, Miltank will most likely survive and destroy your opponents Pokemon. (I've survived Close Combat from a Heracross with 88% HP left...with it's attack doubled. Heracross was not so lucky) This will also cover Miltank's inability to use toxic if the opponent is either a Ground or Steel type. I'm very surprised that this move wasn't in any of the other answers. It has worked wonders for me.

Seismic Toss - Whether you're dealing with a special attacker or fighting a Pokemon who isn't greatly effected by counter, this is your only option of attack. More than likely, you can pull off Toxic and take them down piece by piece.

I do not recommend using Curse. Miltank has a very decent speed for a wall Pokémon. The speed may come in handy if you need to use toxic, seismic toss, or if you need to heal in a pinch.

The only weakness I see in this set is if I get hit with Toxic or Will-O-Wisp, it tends to slow me down slightly. Be sure to keep a Pokemon with heal bell or aromatherapy just as an insurance policy.

Don't be afraid to put Miltank as your 1st or second Pokemon. This set is made to put a great dent in your opponents team. I hope this helps.

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Can you get Counter on Miltank in X/Y?
What is Scrappy for without a normal type move?
Scrappy works with fighting moves(Seismic toss)
0 votes

Stall Set

Miltank w/ Lum Berry
Trait:Thick Fat
+SpD -Atk
Max HP, Max SpD, Some Def


  1. Whirlpool(Trap opponent AND do some damage
  2. Milk Drink(Heal some health back)
  3. Toxic(Deal a lot of damage plus opponent can't switch)
  4. Mud-Slap OR Substitute(Mud-Slap to troll, Substitute to stall)
0 votes

Role: Cleric/Supporter
Item: leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EV's: 252 HP, 240 Spd, 16 spe
Nature: Careful
Moves: Body slam/Return/Seismic Toss, Thunder wave/toxic/stealth rock/earthquake, Heal bell/stealth rock, Milk drink
Usage: This Miltank is useful as a support pokmemon. It can be used as cleric thanks to heal bell, setting stealth rock, and/or to inflict status. 252 Hp gives it nice bulk, 240 special defense in combination with a careful nature allows it to tank special attacks very well. Its ability thick fat compliments its specially defensive spread well, and allows it to take a fire blast and/or an ice beam like its absolutely nothing. 16 speed lets it outspeed fully EV invested base 70 speed mons.

B-slam,return, and S-Toss are just there for damage. Earthquake can be used in the second slot for coverage. Earthquake hits rock and steel types for super effective damage. It also helps so that you have something to hit ghost types with. T-wave/toxic for spreading status, depending on which status move your team favors more. Stealth rock requires no explanation. Heal Bell is used to cure your team of any status conditions, and Milk drink for healing back lost damage.

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0 votes

Whitney's Miltank

Miltank @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
Evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)

  • Stomp
  • Attract
  • Rollout
  • Milk Drink

Explanation: Remember getting trooled by Whitney's Miltank back then in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HG and SS? Now it can come back to haunt you from your Childhood >:). Scrappy is used to hit those Ghost types with Stomp. Time for that Flinch Chance you'll get with Stomp + STAB. Attract is for those opposing Male Pokemon and for more trollness. Rollout is for MegaZard Y and more power the more it hits. Milk Drink is for reliable healing.

0 votes

Chug Chug Chug!
Thick Fat/Impish Nature
-Milk Drink
-Zen Headbutt
Toxic,Protect, Outspeed and Milk Drink , Zen Headbutt for Fighting.Simple.

Killer Cow
252Hp/252 Spe/4Atk
Thick Fat/Jolly Nature
-Milk Drink
-Double Edge
-Zen Headbutt
A little more on the offensive side,this guys role on the team is to destroy everything but still heal all of the Health lost in fights.Lefties is for when you cant use milk drink but you still need passive healing.Life Orb can also be used, but I prefer leftovers for the extra survivability. With Milk Drink AND Leftovers Double Edge is more suited to this then Return would be as the extra damage is helpful.Earthquake is,well, used to target Anything that resists Double Edge as most of the time they are going to be weak to EQ.Zen Headbutt is to deal Max damage to Fighting types. I hope you liked my set. Please comment if you have suggestions or improvements.

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Oh....I don’t think anyone remembers this Pokemon...the nightmare when you are challenging Whitely.
Miltank (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 128 Def / 60 SpD
Impish Nature
- Attract
- Milk Drink
- Body Slam
- Heal Bell / Earthquake
Remember Attract, uh? It’s totoally scary with milk drink and body slam + earthquake.
Heal bell for healing all the special condition like burned, which is bad for it.
Why scrappy? In case you met a ghost type, which will always say immune.
