Me at the Battle Tree:
"Hold me tight, Gladion!" -that would be great
"No no no no no no you suck." -it was true
"You just got Snarled in the mushroom head face!" -no, I don't know what a 'mushroom head face' is either
"Ah, refreshing death." -mmm, death juice
"Ohh-ohh, when I kicked your brain skull in!" -best song ever
"Where'd that Toxic come from? Your bee butt?" -I WAS TOXICED BY A VESPIQUEN, OK?!
"Ohh-ohh, when I kicked your bee butt in!" -(sighs)
"Hello, person! Do you have a bee butt for me to kick in?" -in my defense, Rising Star Ryder did not have a bee butt for me to kick in
"Oh, so I gotta kick in a Steelix butt." -Steelix doesn't even have one
"I'll Sparkling Aria your Steelix butt to kingdom come!" -WHAT THE FRICK IS WROMG WITH ME TODAY?!
"Hello, emperor noob." -finally, a break from bee butts
"I am going to epically murder you." -and I took half his HP with Thunder Punch before falling asleep due to Yawn
"Don't mind me, just epically murdering Steelix butts." -two things, 1: I wasn't even facing Steelix anymore, and 2: JYICKGFIFKYICOGFIFUSGKGKGOGGIG
"I am Choice Banded lockeded and so I must scream." -I had a point
"So apparently, JYICKGFIFKYICOGFIFUSGKGKGOGGIG is a misspelling of Kickoff Juicing?" -LOGIC
"Infinite keyboard frikeing." -my thoughts on the above quote
"You are a loser and it shows in your every breath!" -wow, I'm a master of the singing arts
"Look, I'm murdering Wally!" -well, Gallade looks like Wally, so yes, I was murdering Wally
"How to murder a giant golem thingy: yell at it." -#SnarlKillsGolurk
"Help, I just got Leech Lifed in my last face of thee!" -my poor last face of thee
"And SnarlKillsGolurk is a misspelling of Snarl Kills Hour. Thanks for lettin' me know." -I wanna join Snarl Kills Hour, when does it start?
"My foot touched a balloon and so I must kill Ribombee!" -perfect reasoning
Jul 8, 2020