OK, I FINALLY got the info made for my character in your fanfic. If I took too long, I'm going to cry. Here it is:
Character name: Pika
Appearance: Slender, light skinned, blue eyes, short brown hair, wears a tuxedo and black pants, blah blah blah nothing new.
Personality: Usually happy and positive, she loves her friends and always supports them. She has a hair-trigger temper though, and when angered enough, she may try to fight the offender (not a Pokemon battle, a physical fight). She's reckless but not very smart, and likes playing any sort of game, as entertainment has very high value to her. She loves her Pokemon, and they love her back. She's usually nice, but she doesn't have respect for anyone other than her family and friends. She can also get incredibly rude for little reason. She's always determined when she does difficult tasks or battles and is actually a hard worker, even though she's not very strong.
Likes: Making friends, talking to friends, being around friends, taking care of Pokemon, battling Pokemon, catching Pokemon, cute Pokemon, cool Pokemon, eating food, drinking soda, making jokes, annoying the people she dislikes, insulting the people she dislikes, cute people, dancing, singing, physical fighting (although she's not great at it)
Dislikes: Evil team members, evil team leaders, jerks, annoying people, rude people, stupid people, selfish people, boring people, ugly people, weak people, bossy people, people who act smarter than they actually are, being told what to do, Delphi (Before you ask, no, I don't hate Y or anything. Pika hates Delphi because she uses Pika's favorite Pokemon, Silvally, which has Battle Bond, and because her Zoroark's name is Eclipse, which is the name of her Servine, so she accuses Delphi of "ripping off her name idea", even though her Zoroark's name was Eclipse before they met, and she's most likely never heard of Pika before. And on the subject of Eclipse, she is outraged by Delphi giving him a Life Orb because it takes away HP in exchange for power. Since she hates Delphi, she does everything she can to annoy her. For example, always spelling her name as Delfi, Delfy, or Delphy, shipping her with people she dislikes, trying to get her to high places, inviting her to play with the spider Pokemon, as Pika has no fear of them, talking about how she likes the Pokemon Jirachi because it's "cute and can grant wishes", and battling her all the time and sometimes winning on pure determination with no battle strategy. She also tells Delphi she should "catch two more Pokemon", as Pika has six Pokemon while Delphi has four. She likes to mock Delphi and laughs at her when she messes up, causing Pika to purposely try to make her mess up, and her Braixen, Sun, behaves the same way. She reminds Delphi of any earlier mistakes she made, expecially if there's one she's embarassed about. She likes Delphi's Pokemon, but there's a 99% chance they hate her. Although I suppose it's up to you or Y to decide on that. Funnily enough, they actually both like some things. Pika loves to battle, loves to write, loves sports when she's playing them, and loves summer. Although she doesn't like clothing. She likes wearing clothing, but she hates most clothing since she has very peculiar tastes, and she hates clothes shopping. Something tells me that Delphi can take a lot, but she's gotta freak out sometime. Very long read that was, sorry about that. I just wanted her to hate a character.)
Gender: Female (well, duh)
Pokemon (below the stats are a bit of ideas for them):
Pokemon: Braixen
Nickname: Sun
Ability: Battle Bond (When changed by Battle Bond, her stick has three little branch thingies slightly curving upward, making it more like a staff. The dress-looking fur and the white fur near the head grows longer, and the eyes are bright blue instead of red. The ears grow a bit longer and the ear fur changes from red to light brown and points more downward.)
Moves: Flamethrower, Psychic, Shock Wave, Solar Beam
Item: Charcoal
Gender: Female
Basically Pika's personality. They get along very well due to their similarities. She's also good friends with Eclipse the Servine and Moon the Brionne.
Pokemon: Servine
Nickname: Eclipse
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade, Aqua Tail, Knock Off, Aerial Ace
Item: Miracle Seed
Gender: Female
She's calm and clever as well as quick, making her a fearsome battler for a Servine. She's also cocky and a bit smug.
Pokemon: Brionne
Nickname: Moon
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Hydro Pump, Draining Kiss, Ice Beam, Attract
Item: Mystic Water
Gender: Female
She's easily excited, energetic and cheerful, and she loves to dance and sing (although she's a Pokemon, so those would be odd songs to listen to). She cares deeply about humans and fellow Pokemon and loves to them help out.
Pokemon: Sneasel
Nickname: Night
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Icicle Crash, Foul Play, Psycho Cut, Metal Claw
Item: Choice Band (he'd have to be switched out to use a different move than the one previously used)
Gender: Male
He's calm and collected but loves to battle and adventure. When outside of his Poke Ball, he's often riding on Pika's shoulder.
Pokemon: Liepard
Nickname: Marina
Ability: Unburden
Moves: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Iron Tail, Play Rough
Item: Sitrus Berry (to activate Unburden and will be replaced after use)
Gender: Female
She's usually out of her Poke Ball and is very close to Pika because Pika nursed her back to health when she was sick once as a Purrloin. She's affectionate in the way cats usually are. She's devious and clever, and very good at battling due to it.
And I'd like a Silvally as well, so I got stats for it:
Pokemon: Silvally
Nickname: Gladion
Ability: RKS System
Moves: Multi-Attack, Ice Fang, Shadow Claw, Outrage
Item: Any of the Memories except the Ice, Ghost, or Dragon Memories, chosen depending on the opposing Pokemon's weaknesses (Here's an example: Say the opponent is a Magikarp. If so, a Grass or Electric Memory would be used. But if the opponent has a 4x weakness, the Memory will be the type of the 4x weakness, even if they have other 2x weaknesses.)
Gender: None (however, Pika calls it a he)
Very protective of Pika because of friendship. They always seem to be feeling the same way. When Pika's angry, Gladion's angry. When Pika's sad, Gladion's sad. When Pika's happy, Gladion's happy. They have an unbreakable bond with each other, and Pika is sometimes seen riding it.
And if that's unacceptable because repeats or something like that, I got a Pokemon to replace Gladion the Silvally:
Pokemon: Mawile
Nickname: Sheena
Ability: Sheer Force
Moves: Iron Head, Play Rough, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Item: Expert Belt
Gender: Female
Very sassy and vain, she likes to battle and is cocky in battle. Even though she seems like a rude Pokemon, she manages to be best friends with Moon the Brionne.
I feel lazy. At least I finally got them made. Braixen, Servine, and Brionne are my favorite starter middle evolutions, so I made them a trio.
May 31, 2020