Sol and Luna dancin' with a tuna!
why did i have to do that
The Glazio News
All right, there's not much news on anything... aside from Sol and Luna, so fanfic news time! After Pika was rescued from the Yungoos, Scarlet goes to take them back so they can do the stupid clothes shopping. But Pika feels like she's being watched when they're not in the store. When they go inside, she tells Flare about it. Eventually, they leave, and she feels like she's being watched again. This causes her to panic a bit. Then she sees something, like a flash, behind her, and that freaks her out even more, as it really seems like she's being watched. However, she bumps into Flare and falls to the ground, eventually fainting. She later wakes up at home. She soon gets a visit from Eevee, who's very happy to see her again, as he had worried about her being dragged into the house unconscious. And Scarlet comments on Pika being Pokemon-loved, as Pokemon seem to warm up to her very quickly. And before you ask, no, Eevee's not a new Pokemon who just met her or something. He's been there when they were in Kanto. Anyway, Scarlet wants her to rest and she wants to explore. Scarlet eventually gives in and Pika, Flare, and Eevee head out to explore the area. They go to Route something-or-other, which is where she was attacked by the Yungoos. Luckily, they don't run into any more Pokemon. Pika soon notices what looks to be a village or town. It's Iki Town, but she doesn't know that because she doesn't really know about Alola's locations. However, when she's about to reach it, someone crashes into her. They all introduce themselves and the person who crashed into Pika is revealed to be Hau, who was not paying attention... although Pika wasn't paying attention either. Then they meet Professor Kukui who Pika thinks needs a shirt, so we must salute her. And I love this line: "Flare looked at the approaching professor like he was the loony bin incarnate." Who can deny that? Anyway, Professor Needs-A-Shirt AKA Professor Kukui seems to know about them and he invites them to the lab to check out something that has to do with the Pokedex. They start to go and Pika accidentally starts bringing Hau along, which is kinda hilarious because how can you legit not notice that you're holding someone's arm and towing them along? Pika's a dum-dum. And then of course Flare ships them because why wouldn't he? And yes, Hau has a bit of a crush on Pika, and no, she doesn't like him back. I know I haven't written all that much, but yeah, Hau x Pika is one-sided and always shall be. So take off your shipping hats for the moment. Continuing on from the cronge, they make it to the wreck of a lab. Flare's Eevee makes friends with Kukui's Rockruff, so yay for that I guess. So the professor shows them a Pokedex and suddenly here comes a Rotom, which is a Pokemon that Pika shockingly knows about. Rotom goes into the Pokedex and unintentionally startles Pika so much that she faints. Again. So she wakes up in bed later. Again. Scarlet wonders what happened during their little adventure, so Pika tells her. And Flare adds that he dragged her partway home. Scarlet says no more adventuring for the day and leaves the room. Then Flare tells Pika that something else happened while she was unconscious. Flare had told Professor Needs-A-Shirt about Pika wanting to do the Island Challenge, and he said that she could get a starter if she really wanted to give it a shot. And Flare agreed to go on the Island Challenge, so he asks Pika if she really does want to go. She becomes very excited at the whole idea of it. So she happily tells Flare that she wants to. In their excitment, they make a commotion and Scarlet wonders what's happening, so she goes to find out. Flare tells her that they want to go on the Island Challenge. Scarlet is, of course, enraged. She tells them that they can't because it's dangerous. Flare tries to reason that they'd have Pokemon that would protect them, but Scarlet's mind is unchanged. She starts talking about dangerous Pokemon and people, and that they can't put their lives at risk. But Pika's had enough. She yells that she doesn't care. She says that yeah, it's dangerous, but the whole world is dangerous, and staying in a house isn't safe either. She says that it's safer with Pokemon by your side. Since Eevee is all they have, they're not all that safe if they're attacked, as Eevee's not all that powerful because he hasn't been trained. She says that Scarlet's trying to protect her but doesn't know how, so, she asks, what's the point? What much epic. That's it so far. See ya!
Aug 11, 2020