PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for iloveflareon (page 60)

Sol and Luna
The Awkward Adventures Of Hau And Pika
Unnamed (about a disaster in Alola)
Unnamed (about Gladion going to school)

Obviously I didn't give very much info on those last ones, but that's kinda the gist, I guess...? XD

The Glazio News
I beat the Ghost-type trial! Yay! Gladie and Silver helped out a lot because I switched between them a few times to lower Mimikyu's attack with their Imtimidate. Woo-hoo, the ol' Intimidate switch! I eventually got through the battle. But when I go to Aether House, that little girl's Yungoos is revealed to have been stolened! So I gotta rescue it. But I can do that later! Oh, and one of my Silvally reached level 100. Yaaaaaay! Now onto Sol and Luna. Pyxis is startled and asks Ilima if he's one of the trial captains. Pika forgot what a trial captain was because she smol brain. So Rotom says that they're in charge of trials. Except for the Poni Island trial, but that's not being spoiled in Sol and Luna yet. Leamhead Lima Lime Bean confirms this and asks if Pika, Hau, and Flare are trial-goers. Flare says yes. Then he remarks that he Flare and Pika must be new, and Pika says that they came to Alola from Kanto a few days ago. Lima Bean says that he saw Pika's battle a minute ago and that it was fancy. Well, technically he said 'quite spectacular', but no frocks are given here. This is not a frock-given place. And Aloha-Landia is also the place of no frocks given. Now someone please inform me what I'm talking about. Anyway, Pika goes whee in brain because she fancy on batteeee-eeell no. 2 and Pyxie Butt is ree and Pika shrugs off ree and goes yay because she did a fancy like a purple grape master. See ya in the epic Gla-Gla whees machines! AKA see ya!
Sep 22, 2020 by Gau
Well duh. What else was I supposed to name it, the only year in 1100 years to have double 2 digit numbers? Naw, that's just lame, plus it happens every 1100 years. Lol
Sep 22, 2020 by Haze
Thanks! And good luck catching up! (Your grav is adorable btw)
Sep 22, 2020 by Iridacea
New grav :D
Sep 22, 2020 by iloveflareon
Good luck!
Sep 22, 2020 by Amethyst

Sep 22, 2020 by iloveflareon
The Glazio News
Epic whee in my party of three screes! I caught myself a male Absol whom I named Glazio, after Gladion Glazio and not the me Glazio! My team is complete! Well, Gladie still needs to evolve, but other than that, complete! So, in my new fanfic with Gladion goin' to a school and whatnot, the midday Lycanroc bites Gladion's arm really hard and tears up the sleeve and stuff! And when he tries to get Silvally's Poke Ball, the Rockruff attack his other arm! Luckily, the midnight Lycanroc gets them to stop. So then Gladion runs away because the midday Lycanroc clearly wants him to leave. And he's late for school. Blood's spilling out of his right arm like there's no tomorrow as he runs. He finds the school and his sister, Lillie, who is waiting outside. She got there by riding a car with their mother. Why didn't Gladion do the same? Because their mom is embarrassing as frick. She loves to tell random people the story of how Gladion randomly walked into the living room with only his underwear on once. He'd taken off the rest of his clothes in his sleep somehow and now it's an Aether family moment for the ages. Whooptie-frick, eh, Gla-Gla? Lillie asks Gladion what happened to him, since he's bleeding his face off. Well, his arms are bleeding, not his face, but you get the point. He says it's fine, but then gets dizzy. He tries to stay conscious, as he knows that if he faints, it'll slip to the bullies of the school and they'll bully him more. And someone named Mariposa would be disgusted for some odd reason...?He tries very hard, but sadly faints. That's chapter one, so on to chapter two! He wakes up in the school infirmary or whatever, and apparently a Nurse Joy works there. She has a bratty kid who tried to hit Gladion with a book because he bumped into her, so he hit her with it and she cried to her mom that Gladion was being mean and lied that he called her names because she had been hitten with a little kiddie book. Wow. Anyway, the Nurse Joy asks how he feels, and he says that he's a little dizzy and dazed, but other than that he's fine. She asks if he could explain how he got injured, and he tells her the whole story. She's curious about the odd girl he described, so he describes her appearance. He says that she didn't tell him her name. In fact, she didn't speak at all. Nurse Joy therorizes that she could be deaf, since she didn't reply to him asking her name. Spoiler alert, she's not deaf. Nurse Joy tells him that he's free to go to class and stuff since his wounds have been bandaged and he's fine. Yay. That's it for now, see ya!
Sep 21, 2020 by Gau
Sep 21, 2020 by iloveflareon
minecraft is good
Sep 21, 2020 by themodernage
So I started a Pokemon White Nuzlocke...
Updates coming soon
Sep 20, 2020 by iloveflareon