PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Zyla™️ (page 11)

Apr 5 by FieryHalmar
aww I liked the little cat!
Apr 5 by FieryHalmar
Apr 5 by Mr. Fish
why would i end such a beautiful progression
Apr 5 by MangoBrick
cigarettes are bad for you
Apr 5 by Hellfire Taco
Do you not consider me a cool dude?! Wtf!!!

*Flips a chair out of anger-I mean coolness*
Apr 5 by Mr. Fish
Hey Zyla, I know yesterday wasn't a great day for you. I am writing this because I wanna make sure you don't feel unwanted. I don't know anything abt your personal life, but if you do feel unwanted your parents do love you (which I'm sure you know). We all make mistakes, just apart of life. You're a great friend to the people you know and people here on DB. Sorry if this is TOTALLY random.
Apr 5 by ClodOfTheSire
thanks! now it's time to get revenge on those Palworld fans! he he he...
Apr 5 by FieryHalmar
zyla, you can't be telling other people's personal information, especially if it's nsfw, publically in the chatroom. It is against the rules. please read https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/82526/staffs-expectations-regarding-personal-topics-relationships for more info if needed.
if there's something about that situation that i'm missing, please let me know, although I'm aware of April 18th. Please don't mention it on the site again
Apr 4 by ~Silver~
When arseholes start swearing at you, just hit 'em with the :)
Apr 4 by NobleOnion