PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for ZigzagoonLinoone (page 2)

Feb 14, 2015 by Mr.Absol(Deo)
Feb 13, 2015 by Flommo
*Blobs by user page/wall like a ditto would* o3o
Feb 13, 2015 by Flommo
Aug 18, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Don't worry, dude. That happens. The "this question has been asked before" goes by wording and tags, so it doesn't always hit perfectly when there are different ways people ask the same question.
Feb 8, 2014 by DarkTyphlosion
*High paws Fena*
Jan 26, 2014 by ZigzagoonLinoone
Hi, I like zigzagoon to.
Jan 25, 2014 by FenaFox
Lol nice profile .
Jan 25, 2014 by Zachman
Nov 4, 2013 by CluelessPonyta
Lol. I have, like, 20. I have nothing to do with them.
Nov 4, 2013 by LeDragónTamer