PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for This Guy (page 11)

You thought she was attacking you? Nah that’s just fenton being Fenton she would’ve done that to anyone it wasn’t just you.

 On the contrary, you were so wrapped up in trying to get her on your site you never actually asked me if I was interested and I actually kind of an intrigued by the idea although I have no idea what you doing it.  I know you said it say “nuzlocke” siteHow mucha what does that mean? nd unlike Fenton i’m pretty much allowed to go on whatever website I want to within reason of course. I actually half expecting to see the link on my wall yesterday. But do want me on (sighs and shrugs) that’s fiine too.
Dec 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Then why did you keep after Fenton? If you’d only asked once i wiuldn’t care neither would she. I mean she told you outright she easn’t going on your site, wasn’t asking her parents AND told you you’d be wasting your posts ny putting yhe link on her wall.

Also why are you coming to me? All i did was reinforce what she said you should wall her. She’ll probably tell you she doesn’t care but  at least you would have gone to the right person,
Dec 24, 2021 by Dyla N
i made 2 post on your website! pls see them :)
Dec 24, 2021 by Chaos481
Dec 24, 2021 by vydestiny
im gonna tell you later.

how to be mod? what is all of the rank/roles? i need to know that
also is there point system? and what does the forum do?
Dec 24, 2021 by Chaos481
group i checked the website too its pretty good
Dec 24, 2021 by neo magius
overall, i like the website!
Dec 24, 2021 by Chaos481
cool! also there is many more clauses in nuzlocke. im gonna tell you later, pretty busy.

can you give me the admin power? i promise i wont do something bad, just need to change some stuff, like the nuzlocke rules.
Dec 24, 2021 by Chaos481
Once you can post on walls again, I'd like to ask how I could make a blog.
Dec 24, 2021 by Puncuation Leader
I highly doubt I'll ever get to play on a Nintendo Switch lol. The only time I can think of is after I graduate from college, but I'd have many other options then - PC games, mobile games and other consoles - so I won't buy a Switch unless its worth it. It's not just about money, but about time too. x)
Dec 22, 2021 by xPsydxck