PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Sophisticles (page 8)

I got zorua from dex nav chaining :D
Mar 3, 2015 by Care :D
Masuda method hates me XD Iv been doing that for years and I never got a shiny from it. Iv gotton a shiny from all methods exept that XD oh yea and I just got a shiny zorua 10 mins ago :). And thanks for caring about me :D
Mar 3, 2015 by Care :D
Mar 2, 2015 by Silverdragon :D
That was a mouthful LOL
Mar 2, 2015 by Care :D
Oh yeah ( desides to go WAY off topic XD) I got a shiny minum last month from pokeradar. I also got two shiny kecleons on Valentine's day from the friend safari. And I got a shiny buneary on Saturday from dex nav and a shiny Eevee the next day XD
(Desides to go way off topic again XD) last Saturday at a winterguard competiton, we were in our homeroom which was a classroom and one of the lights literally burned out. There was a ton of smoke. Right when it happened we were going to leave anyways to go to warm ups and then the ready line to preform. The guard moms had to phisically hand us our flags cuz we couldn't go back in there. When we were done preforming out room for changed (duh XP) and the guard moms had moved all of our stuff into a pile into the new room. A ton of people lost their money and phones. I got lucky cuz I left my bag open. So...yeah that's my Saturday XD
Mar 2, 2015 by Care :D
Lol that's funny how you got your permit. I can't drive to save my life XD. Your quotes on your wall are AMAZING. Especially the ones you created.  I especially like  the paragraph that you put under it :P
Mar 2, 2015 by Care :D
I love your quotes btw :)
Mar 1, 2015 by Care :D
Iv been good :) #i didn't drop in the winter guard comp. today!!!:D lol. How have you been? :)
Mar 1, 2015 by Care :D
Rolllllllll :)
Feb 23, 2015 by Silverdragon :D