don’t get 3k points before I get 1k
Apr 20, 2023
Woah Woah where the hell did you get 2,980 points from?!
Apr 13, 2023
Mr. Fish
peekayfreeeeeeeeze *shivers cause it’s getting kinda cold in here*
Apr 11, 2023
Ice Elm @ Strong Boots
Performance: ice balance
Terrace type: Water
EV: 252SpA / 4SpD / 252Sp
IV: 0 attacks
- Trembling dance
- Explosion on the terrace
- Women's beam
- Giga Drain/Energy Ball
Download description:
Teralization definitely does more this March than ever Need HDB to lose HP in races like Stealth Rock Terra water resists fire and heals rock weaknesses Quiver Dance Increases speed, special attack and special defense, to activate this item. Terra Blast drains water and Garganakal, Waterproof It hits things like Cloudsire, Tirabiter, Scaledirz, and Ting-Lu. Skeledirge ruined without investment or upgrade SpD: 252 SpA Tera Water Frosmoth Tera Blast vs 252 HP / 0 SpD Skeledirge: 432-512 (104.8% - 124.2%) - OHKO approved. Cloudsire fears even in ignorance: 252 Spa Terra Water Frostmoth Terra Blast vs. Cloudsire. 252HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 248-292 (53.4% - 62.9%) - 2HKO confirmed after wipe. Tank in Minecraft destroyed +1252 Spa Terra Water Frostmoth Terra Blast vs. ground 252 HP / 252+ SpD Garganacl: 392-464 (97% - 114.8%) - 81.3% OHKO chance. Sanditer also destroys: 252 Spa Terra Water Frostmoth Terra Blast vs 252 HP / 252+ SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 248-292 (61.3% - 72.2%) - Guaranteed 2HKO after regen. As for Ting Lu, I don't know what he'll do with Extermination Pills, but considering what Cloudsir can do with Freaks, it's about 2HKO even with Extermination Pills. Ice Beam is a hard STAB without much explanation. Giga Drain heals you, benefits from weak mana removal, and keeps you alive. However, Energy Ball can also be used to 2HKO Dondojo with Giga Drain, which usually means a huge wall. You need a 30.5 threat or 2HKO chance to kill Channel 252 Spa Frosmote Giga Stream and. 252 HP / 0 SpD Dondojo Notes: 226-268 (44.8% - 53.1%) - 2HKO VS 252 Power Ball Spa Frostmote ve. 252 HP / 0 SpD pass Dondojo: 272-320 (53.9 - 63.4%) - - Cut 2HKO.
Iron Hands will store everything you throw with AV and kill it with Thunder Punch. It has 1+ boost but does almost nothing. Even worse, fake exits can trick you +1,252 Spa Terra Water Frostmoth Terra Blast Vs. ground 252 HP / 0 SpD Steel Vest Attack: 234-276 (45.7 - 53.9%) - 45.3% 2SCR chance.
Not a hooligan game, the hand is usually just hard and you won't get to 1 without losing chips. +1,252 Water Spa Terra Frostmoth Terra Blast - 252 HP / 0 SpD Iron Hand: 350-412 (68.3 - 80.4%) - 2HKO confirmed.
Priority users will delete this item. Meoscarada, Kingambit, Dragonite, Brelum, Cerulage, Locix, and Scissor will shoot if Terra's bullets don't hurt too much.
Fast Manas or Fear Manas can be very powerful and deadly. Monday's slow +1 speed isn't unusual either
Toxapex is extremely deadly Nothing to say +1252 Spa Water Power Cannon Frostmoth Terra &. 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 106-125 (34.8% - 41.1%) - 3HKO. The ones on the left are not SpD Pex, SpD Pex has 4 EV
Conclusion: This tool will definitely be inferior, but it will be much better than Terstalization. And why am I analyzing this worm lol?
Apr 5, 2023
I played it a lot when it first came out, haven't played much since then and don't really remember it correctly
Apr 2, 2023
Colorful Glaceon
Wow, you lost your starter on your Nuzlocke? It's not like you had anything that resists grass and is immune to poison like say, a Magnemite, which sure it can't much in return, but at least it's not 4x weak to Grass.
Unbelievable. Smh, Alliso-imean-PK.
Mar 30, 2023
Mr. Fish
I knew you would say that...
So, we have a lot of bees around our school, and Allison's been sorta slipping "bee" into literally everything she can. So like, you making that joke kinda definitely reminded me of her.
Mar 30, 2023
Mr. Fish
Goth Glaceon
37 minutes ago
My sister just said she's able to hold a bee, idk how this is possible
36 minutes ago
how would that bee possible
Oh god...
PK is turning into Allison...
Mar 30, 2023
Mr. Fish