PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Mr. Fish (page 265)

Oh, and welcome.
Oct 14, 2020 by GreaninjaF4n
Hi, I heard that you are a relative of PorygonZangoose, I'm his friend I guess, so Hi. Some tips on ev spreads:
First, the thing about ev spreads is what kind of pokemon you want it to be. If you want a staller, maximum defense or special defense with 248 HP or max hp. There are two categories, physical and special moves. Special moves, you learn about that and so as physical. Special moves dont make contact, physical is vice versa. If you want physical attackers, max their attack stat and only physical moves. If special, max their special attack stat and only use special moves. Sweepers, or powerful attackers usually have max speed evs, and natures is to boost any ev. For example, adamant nature, to boost your attack stat but in one condition, subtracting evs from your special attack stat. There are many more, so you make a choice. Abilities should utilise with your team and cover up sweepers who can sweep your entire team.
Oct 14, 2020 by GreaninjaF4n
You like shinies, you are PorygonZangoose’s brother, and chandelure is one of your favorites. A W E S O M E ! And welcome!
Oct 14, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that since we're relatives, we're not allowed to answer each other's question or upvote each other's post since it would cheat the points system.
Oct 13, 2020 by -RisingManectric-