PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Mosmic Dragoon (page 16)

thank you for inviting him to server, i had a blast and it was hilarious.

on the other hand, he's now harrassing me because you decided it was a good idea to promote him to moderator, because apparently you thought i would power abuse.

please fix this. thx :)
Jan 18, 2016 by Your Excellency
Jan 16, 2016 by Your Excellency
i think you have to be admin to punish an admin
Jan 16, 2016 by Your Excellency
do me a favor.
if someone promotes that dumbass DarkChampion again, get to admin and inconspicuously promote an alt (me or someone else), and let them ban him again. i do not want that guy to have a tilde, at sign, and sign, percent sign, or even plus sign in his name...

Jan 13, 2016 by Your Excellency
keeping this here for safekeeping http://monotypeps.weebly.com/starter-teams.html
Jan 8, 2016 by Mosmic Dragoon
Can you tell me the next time you'll be on? I need to talk to you.
Jan 4, 2016 by MechSteelix
Decided to ladder in 1v1 ; got up to 1400 :)
Jan 2, 2016 by MechSteelix
Ok den, jack? John? David? o3o
Jan 1, 2016 by Meowstic