PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Lorna Shore (page 5)

Hello! I haven't seen you in bloody ages; I hope you're doing fine!
Nov 10, 2016 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Still haven't watched Season 2 of Flash. I like the show, but there are only a couple of shows I watch while they are running on television (Game of Thrones being the main one). The rest I just wait for the Netflix release, which is what I'll do for Flash.
Jul 30, 2016 by trachy
Yeah, the DC Animated movies are pretty good, with the exception of Justice League: War and Throne of Atlantis. You've watched the Animated Universe television shows already right (Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League: Unlimited, Batman Beyond, and Static Shock, honorable mention to Young Justice)? If not, those are a big priority to watch, absolutely amazing series.
Apr 8, 2016 by trachy
Saw you asking Ninja for DC stuff on his profile. Thought I'd chime in with some suggestions on stuff that is need to read.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, and The Killing Joke are need to read. These are rightly considered not only the best Batman comics but also some of the greatest comics ever made. They delve into the psyche of the Batman and revolutionized the comic book industry. Also worthy of a read is Batman: The Long Halloween, which chronicles the evolution of Harvey Dent into Two Face.

Superman: All-Star Superman is considered the greatest Superman comic. Very good comic book run. Death of Superman is of course need to read, one of the most famous comic book story arcs.

Green Lantern: Blackest Night is one of my favorite DC storylines, it gives a really interesting look into the various Lantern Corps as well as Barry Allen. Secret Origin is a good comic to read if you want to know where Green Lantern started.

Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters. Beautiful artwork contrasts with a  harsh storyline. Introduces a major Green Arrow character as well.

No specific character: Kingdom Come is an alt universe where Superman abandons his post and superheroes run amok. Considered one of the greats. Identity Crisis is one of my favorite Justice League storylines. Injustice Volume 1 is pretty good, although the other volumes are very meh.

Vertigo label: Alan Moore's run of Swamp Thing, The Sandman, and Y: The Last Man. Three comics that are widely considered to be among the all-time greatest. Should note that Y does not tie in at all with any of DCs superheroes.
Apr 7, 2016 by trachy
DC Rebirth just began which is the universe rewrite that happened during Crisis on Infinite Earths and New 52, so now is a good time.
Mar 30, 2016 by Ninja
Nah, not too big a fan of those types of games. Looks real pretty though.

As for X-Files, I'll get to it eventually. I'm just so far behind on my shows. I've got the new season of Daredevil, the new season of House of Cards, Better Call Saul, and I'm quite a few seasons behind on Sons of Anarchy and Mad Men. Plus Game of Thrones is going to come out soon.
Mar 18, 2016 by trachy
They're less aggressive than your usual taste but still have that same power behind their music. Hard Rock I guess is the genre.
Mar 16, 2016 by PX
Yeah that's dangerous decision, son. You might not be rid of that in your head for some time.
Mar 15, 2016 by PX
Of course, they're a pretty big band. I haven't heard that much of them but I'll listen a little more. I've been listening to Shinedown and Seether lately.
Mar 14, 2016 by PX
I've listened to it a few times now, sorry forgot to tell :P. First time seeing the video though.

btw have you heard of Shinedown? They're pretty cool.
Jan 5, 2016 by PX