PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hoenndragon (page 20)

Thank you for reading my wall!
Jan 14, 2021 by Stephwheel8
If the person asking the question already knew the Pokemon has a niche in OU, then why would they ask the question?
Again, I understand why you're frustrated, but I think the issue has more to do with that particular person's ignorance than the question format itself. Would you be as irritated if they posted the question a single time?
One day, they will stop posting the questions. There doesn't have to be a knee-jerk reaction (and whether that person is trying to farm points isn't really relevant to the quality of the post).
Jan 14, 2021 by Fizz
Please do not answer a question partially. If I am not being stupid again today (wouldn’t rule that out lol), multiple people have been bothered by this before. Thanks :)
Jan 14, 2021 by Stephwheel8
LMAOOOO i deleted the one i sent you, so that evidence is gone. I can't delete anything from choco's wall though; only owners of the wall can delete wallposts. you could probably send her another wallposts asking that though? Lol
Jan 14, 2021 by ~Silver~





d s n o m
Jan 13, 2021 by themodernage
oh no :o
Jan 13, 2021 by themodernage
Well actually, it’s not all the same user, it’s awesomeccas’s classmates bullying him apparently
Jan 13, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Indeed he is
Jan 13, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Because he has TrumpTrain in his username like the other dupes, duh
Jan 13, 2021 by BottomlessSea
yes it is I
Jan 13, 2021 by themodernage