PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hexhalem (page 22)

You have exposed my true identity
You will be eliminated
Apr 14, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Ah, it's all good. Yes, I read about the theory i posted below, and it seemed to be the most convincing out of all I read. No hard feelings :D
Apr 9, 2021 by BM™
I think the Moon was formed after Earth smashed into a Mars-Sized object called Theia about 4.6 Billion years ago. The impact superheated Earth's entire surface, and the resulting debris circled the Earth. Eventually, the debris started to clump together until a relatively spherical object was formed. Then the new body was tidally locked (The Moon can't rotate) to Earth, which was still superheated, causing the side that faced Earth to melt, which is why the crust of the side facing Earth is thinner than on the far side of the Moon. The far side of the Moon is more cratered because it has taken more hits from asteroids than the side facing Earth. And thus the chaotic birth of the Moon
Apr 9, 2021 by BM™
Since we all shared our theories on whatever crap was mentioned in the chat, may I show you my theory of how the Moon was formed?
Apr 9, 2021 by BM™
I do enjoy talking to someone with different views on our creation. That was an interesting conversation, thanks for discussing it :)
Apr 9, 2021 by Amethyst
I'm glad you like it! :3
Apr 7, 2021 by Gau
:O Assault Wooper looks chic lol
Apr 7, 2021 by vydestiny
Yeah iirc it was somewhere in the Strait of Messinia (don't know spelling rofl) a Sea Monster, Child of Poseidon and Gaia, I don't really remember correctly lol long time no read Greek Myths xD
Apr 6, 2021 by vydestiny
Thank you lol
Yeah it's Poseidon in Greek XD
Apr 6, 2021 by vydestiny
Nice name change uwu
Apr 6, 2021 by vydestiny