PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Hexhalem (page 7)

just curious, why did you start making music? you already know why i start making music but how about you?
Nov 4, 2021 by Chaos481
conclusion: Fletchling is cuter than Ho-Oh
Nov 3, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
Quick Math Lesson (even though i suck at it)
">" is greater than
"=" is equal to
"<" is less than
Nov 3, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
Ho-Oh < Fletchling
Nov 3, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
after hearing your music my favorite one gotta be sunrise remix and dp/pt 201 202 remix :D
Nov 3, 2021 by Chaos481
hmm, im gonna try to make it by myself (although i dont know the key and stuff)

also i just think about this, you know right i love making some lycrics? and i was thinking, that maybe i should make music, put my lycrics in there, but with a surprise, no one sings it! i was thinking about this because i LOVE making lycrics, but all of them is useless cause my voice is not that good (thats what my family says) and my sister dont want to sing yet. so maybe i should try that, putting my lycrics into the music. maybe it will get popular by people try to sing it :)
is that a good idea?
Nov 3, 2021 by Chaos481
Yay!! Cant wait for more! update me when you make a new one :)
Nov 3, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
did u make that? if so PLEASE make more!!!
Nov 3, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~
hex, is it fine just to use loops for making music? cause i feel pretty wrong doing that :(
do you use it or did you learn how to use instrument?
Nov 3, 2021 by Chaos481
Nov 2, 2021 by ~FlameTheVulpix~