Extras to my team (Set for reserve whenever I need them)
Intelleon (Metronome, Air Slash, Snipe Shot, Ice Beam)
Male and Torrent (Can GMAX)
Holds Mystic Water
Rillaboom (U-Turn, Drain Punch, Drum Beating, Darkest Lariat)
Male and Overgrow (Can GMAX)
Holds Rose Incense
Orbeetle (Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Psychic)
Male and Swarm (Can GMAX)
Holds Twisted Spoon
Centiskorch (Power Whip, Thunder Fang, Lunge,Fire Lash)
Female and White Smoke (Can GMAX)
Holds Silver Powder
Duraludon (Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Solar Beam)
Male and Stalwart(HA) (Can GMAX)
Holds Metal Coat
Hatterene (Mystical Fire, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic)
Female and Anticipation (Can GMAX)
Holds Pixie Plate
Sandaconda (Rock Slide, Fire Fang, High Horsepower, Headbutt)
Male and Sand Spit (Can GMAX)
Holds Soft Sand
Jun 6, 2020
Jasone Anderson