PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 248)

Zombie spider Haus will take all malasadas, and mankind better make some more malasadas because if we run out they will be reeeeaaaalllly mad at you humans
Aug 13, 2020 by BottomlessSea
I'm doin nature's for the people on my friends list soo do you think your more of an adamant nature or rash (oh and these are pokemon nature's if you can tell so if ya want something else choose one of the other ones)
Aug 13, 2020 by Haze
Hau Kawaii 4ever
Aug 12, 2020 by iloveflareon
2 minutes ago
only living chatting members
2 minutes ago
no sarcasm here
2 minutes ago
its a live example of a chat
2 minutes ago
oh boy chat sure is active
Aug 12, 2020 by iloveflareon
Love it, Glaz. :3
Aug 12, 2020 by Jasone Anderson
Those are the main 5 I usually give it, but since NORMAL Pokémon format suggests 4 moves as the max, I had to swap one for the other. It gives much more coverage than having 4.
Aug 11, 2020 by Jasone Anderson
I guess... my personality? lol
Short Black hair with a dark green jacket and blue t shirt + Cargo shorts

Eevee (his kanto starter i guess) ->
-fire blast
-last resort/extreme evoboost[when it was eevee]
-fire fang
-iron tail
(i have some plot you could use for the evolution, you don't have to use it tho)

Rowlet ->
Dartrix ->
-swords dance
-leaf blade
-spirit shackles/its special zmove

Yungoos ->
-super fang
-hyper fang
-u turn

Staravia ->
-arial ace
-brave bird
-close combat
-double edge

accidentaly made a pattern there, cool

Bidoof [comic relief]
-self destruct [imagine this how you want lol]

i might add a 6th one later isdk
Aug 11, 2020 by iloveflareon
Name: Jason
Gender: Male
Personality: Chill and Cool
Appearance: Black Crocs, Grey Tank top, Red Shorts, Black Shutter Shades w/Silver Rhinestones
Incineroar M(Leech Life, Brick Break, Fire Fang, Darkest Lariat)
Vikavolt M(Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon)
Mimikyu F(Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Leech Life, Drain Punch)
Zygarde 50% w/Power Construct (Iron Tail, Core Enforcer, Thousand Arrows, Sludge Wave)
Magearna (Flash Cannon, Fleur Cannon, Ice Beam, Aura Sphere)
Naganadel (Sludge Bomb, Dragon Pulse, Signal Beam, Flamethrower)
Aug 11, 2020 by Jasone Anderson
klggiblh5itii5iguuufihgoiycjyki9 HHHAAAA POTS TI
Aug 10, 2020 by iloveflareon
a world where gladeon was food

"Hello, Welcome to Blastoise Burgers, what can I get you?"
'13 Gladeons, please!'
"13? Uhh, okay? Your order will be ready in 5 minutes."
"Here ya go, 13 Gladeons!"
'Thank you!'
Aug 10, 2020 by iloveflareon