PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 168)

Thank you I'm glad you like it! :)
Aug 11, 2021 by Glameow_Girl
Aug 11, 2021 by BM™
Do I want to know
Aug 11, 2021 by iloveflareon
Your speech, that's amazing.
I screenshot it for future just in case. :P
And yes, even I miss those good old days I wasnt a part of! Yk sometimes I randomly visit profiles of older users and start reading their walls or read stories on the Database Stories thread. And it makes me kinda sad, the fact that I wasnt a part of all that, the fact that I missed something which I'll never experience cause Pokemon popularity would never be what it used to be. But ig that's how life is, you gotta move on and focus on the future, on what's ahead for you. :')

Probably! XD

Oof. I'll link you a few classics if you dont mind, oki? Can you listen to songs on Youtube?
Aug 10, 2021 by xPsydxck
prehistoric daniel theme song
Aug 9, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Aug 9, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
You see how you said you could write college papers on your behaviour, that test would help you a lot in getting to know yourself and becoming more self aware. It has personally helped me become more self aware (and also boosted some of my self-confidence cause apparently have the world's rarest personality type :P) and helped me work on my flaws. :)
Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck
Sure. I have:

An adamant female with keen eye caught at level 56 in a master ball

A quiet male bergmite with sturdy that was hatched at level 1 (duh) in a pokeball

And a naughty male pelipper with Keen Eye caught in a Quick ball

I’m not sure about the male pelipper’s caught level and I can’t check the PC because it’s in Ultra Moon and I’m at Kyogre, but I haven’t leveled it up and it’s at 57 so I assume that’s the level at which it was caught
Aug 8, 2021 by BottomlessSea
Have you listened to Dubstep of any other form of EDM tho?
Okay! I'll listen to the bands and songs you mentioned if I get the time to. :) And dont worry, I have no problems with highly inappropriate subjects and swear words lol.
And yes, I get you. There was this one song I really liked and wanted to share on my Instagram story through Spotify, but guess what? Its name was in Korean so I could never find the song and ended up forgetting about it. XD

"And back then, my Pokemon games were all on emulators, so I wouldn't even be able to use those shinies." Wdym? Do shinies not work on emulators or what?

Gamora is Thanos' daughter iirc, and green in colour lol.

You're a redhead? Cool! Wish I had coloured hair too.
Kinda surprised you dont like goth tho. People who like metal are usually into goth. I have a friend who plays metal and is into goth; similar to me, she loves to dress up as goth too!
You did get off-topic, but its fine. I dont mind that, I just dont know how to reply to that lol.

Plausible! XD
Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck
I definitely agree! I hate rap too, not just because of the songs, but also because of the rappers. About 90% of rappers have been the kind of people to vape and drive around the city rashfully, take drugs and smoke cigarettes, and pull girls like every other week in High School thinking it makes them "cool"; been outright jerks tbh. I hate smokers with my whole and simply cant be friends with one who smokes. Coming back to the songs, they are no good either. If you select 10 rap songs on a random basis then atleast 8 of them would be complete bs. For me, the rap subculture is a complete disgrace the the music industry. Apologies for spreading so much hate on a pokemon website lmao, I just have really strong opinions.

Hip-hop? Not sure bout that. Either I'm heavily outdated to still think of it only as a dance form, or you're confusing it with pop.
Speaking of pop, I feel liked its a bit overrated. But overall, I think its fine. I mean that's the whole point of the genre is, its supposed to be "popular."
Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck