PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 149)

This is incredibly offensive and I will have this person sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Jan 29, 2022 by BottomlessSea
I read your post on Astrid’s wall and I’m dying

“I don't recall going into chat and going "OMG Danny is so cool and cute and attractive and hot and I want to date him and did you know Danny is cool"
Jan 28, 2022 by BottomlessSea
Oh, dang, haha, cool! :-)
Jan 27, 2022 by Hexhalem
Also I had a perfectly normal dream.

It started around some point where I was doing ELA and there was a shiny Garchomp or something (wait know it was about cars causing traffic). Then somehow it got to this weird episode of Pokemon where Ash and friends all got separated on a ship, Pikachu was being a butt to the crew members, bonded with the ship's captain, but then Ash came and took Pikachu away. As the group left the ship (which was now a building for some reason), the gang left a Tauros hoof mark on  a Male Officer Jenny's van (he sounded like Butch for some reason), and he got mad. Then, things somehow got to the gang in the middle of a cornfield on fire, and Brock was helping with his Hariyama (in Gen 1?) and Misty with her Goose Pokemon (Which wasn't Swanna). I was trying to remember which episode she got the Goose (which could talk like a parrot sometimes), and I remembered an episode where Team Rocket was trying to capture a rich couple's group of Venonat, and eventually, a group if Geese (which Misty accidentally caught one). I barely searched on Pokemon TV, then I asked MM. He said he remembered the Venonat but not the Geese, and said the episode was something like The Lean Green? I dunno, anyways, our heroes put out the fire and then Erika comes up to them for something, but realizes she forgot something and her Diary (which she had a bad habit of dropping). Soon she comes back with the thing she needed (which was the Eterna Gym's Gym Badge?) and realizes she dropped her Diary again. The gang help her find it, and eventually, go into the street, where they were almost ran over by the Male Officer Jenny from earlier (which he was still pissed off about the Tauros thing), and there were wanted posters for Ash and friends on the back of Police vans. Ash and friends brush it off and continue walking, only to get confronted and arrested by the Officer Jennys. Tauros hit guy (we'll call him Officer Kenny) said he finally got his revenge.

Now we get to a part where Jessie and James (who don't look like Jessie and James at ALL) are in a classroom and get jealous when they see some people get a Pizza Party. They eventually take a test to try to prove that they're evil or something (I know something else happened but I don't remember this part all that well...). They finish the test and turn it in and then they said they're Team Rocket (they sounded like Grunty Boy at this part... Oh wait, you don't watch MandJTV do you...) and that they don't NEED to take a test to prove their evilness. They then unlock a Rocket (although quite small) and send it on a path to destroy the moon. The teacher says oh, looks at their answers, then orders the Pizza. I remember something else happened here, but I don't remember too well, all I know is I saw one of my classmates and a red-haired girl in the back making some sort of :3 face, which I assume to be you (XD). Now for the next part...

Like I said, I don't remember this part all too well, but I remember I was trying to choose which necklace to wear, one with wood and one with pearls, and I was asking one of my previous crushes (which I'm surprised I could talk to her well) and someone else for their opinion. Then at some point, Andy (from Toy Story) was getting mad when some kids were going out the window, and one kid who was just barely poking his head out the window got in trouble, even though he was just trying to stop the others. Then stuff happened (which I can't remember), so let's just skip to the part where Andy tells his toys (which he somehow knows are alive) to go out on a journey or something. They go through the vents, get lost, and see other toys that are alive and look exactly like them (which I'll be honest, kinda scared me a bit...). The toys run into more duplicates, but eventually find light and they way out and go on an adventure.

Then, somehow, me and my family are walking from my school, we see a lady get out of her car and cause a huge traffic jam (which she did earlier), and the sun is shining bright, which made my gray balloon grow an extra "head" (no it wasn't alive) which eventually popped. The balloon kept doing weird ballon-sun physics, and we left it there. Then, I remembered I left my water bottle at the creepy nursery place, but was too lazy to get it...

Yeah, PERFECTLY normal dream. Why I told you all this, I don't know. Maybe I just really like you or something...
Jan 27, 2022 by Mr. Fish
The current state of the DB is something. Legends: Arceus stuff, BM being BM, and most funny of all, CS taking an ungodly amount of drugs and trying to flirt with you. And ty seriously thinking you’ll meet me and spooky snake man in real life. It’s certainly something.
Jan 27, 2022 by BottomlessSea
Have you seen my wonderful grav recently?
Jan 26, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Haha how long did it take you to find that?
Jan 25, 2022 by JaJaDingDong
Yu-Gi-Oh? Heard of it, never seen it. It's the one with the Egyptian puzzle in it right? Which version are you seeing?

Yoy have a soft spot for Gen 3? I have a soft spot for 5. First game I actually completed. I lost my GBA just before challenging Wallace and Emerald, and when I got another, I lost it before challenging Blue. That sucked, and I didn't touch Pokemon (or Video Games) for a long time after that.
Jan 24, 2022 by Talos
mm, water
Jan 23, 2022 by BottomlessSea
You are, yes
Jan 23, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu