Oh yeah, I just remembered a dream I had last night. I know there was some weird hotel-ish place with extremely narrow hallways and extremely small rooms. Later I was watching Dave (Youtuber) play Super Mario Maker 2 and there was items like the Ice Flower and some other cool stuff. But the dream that really hit me was the Palpitoad. I was doing a shiny badge quest in Shield-but-it-wasn't-Shield, and I was searching in the grass for a steel type, that being Klink-but-it-wasn't-Klink-no-really-I-only-remember-something-about-Klink-the-dream-told-me-so. Anyways I was around 400 encounters in when I found a shiny Palpitoad (Don't ask why a mud frog and a pair of gears were in the same patch of grass). Seeing how this was a shiny find dream, something HAD to go wrong. My butter fingers went to run, went BACK UP TO FIGHT, flippin scrolled down to spaces to Ice Beam (I was using Inteleon, despite it not being shiny), and dang Clicked That Button! Of course, the frog didn't live, as I was like 20 levels higher. That hurt.
Also I think I ran around a store doing s***.
That reminds me of a couple previous dreams I had. One was were I was in a ridiculously big nursery/store or something. Another one I fled to Mexico or something, went to a store, and ate ridiculously good cafeteria food.
Wow I'm thinking of so many previous dreams writing this.
Like one time there was a beach and aliens...
May 8, 2022
Mr. Fish