Sorry for the late response.
"...I'm likely to post something strange and obscure on your wall..."
That explains the random Pokémon opinions lol.
-Porygon2- I realized this myself. Still liked it though :).
-Jellecent- Oh for the female definitely. But I think male Jellecent looks like the Pringles man, and should be spared.
-Phione- I actually have nothing good to say about this one. A half-baked Mythical.
-Swoobat- True.
-Swirlix- My Swirlix is offended. But that is probably how other Swirlixes are born.
-Alolan Sandslash- You're not wrong. The only reason I like this thing is because I liked normal Sandslash.
-Alolan Diglett & Dugtrio- The same goes for these two.
-Altaria- Okay... How do you feel about Swablu?
-Quilladin- Never thought of him that way before. He has three uses now: Battler, soccer ball, and punching bag.
-Stufful- I kinda feel the same way. Except I find Stufful mysterious. Is it an living animal? If so, why does it have a tag attached to it? Or is it a plush given life by mystical means?
Also, I checked out your GameFAQs banner. It really is magnificent.