PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Emty (page 15)

Not gonna lie, I would LOVE to have a pet toucan. But they need lots and lots of attention and clean-up and a special diet and a huge cage, so the only way I'll be able to get one is if I get so filthy rich that I can hire a butler for my toucan.

Also Roadhog's getting a nerf, PRAISE THE LAWRD. Add the Defence Matrix buff and D.Va's in a good place again :D On that note, I had a 61-kill game the other day… my beloved Dorito gal is still Number 1 :'D
Feb 10, 2017 by Toucanadian
Honestly I'd rather concede the tournament rather than go through the trouble of making a whole new team. Talk to Mike, JarJar, and Sumwun and see what they think, and I'll abide by their consensus. But it was annoying enough having to figure out what tier everything was in as it was. We should not have done this type of tournament so early into a new Generation.

But I would have to say my team is fine. Celebi was RU at the time that the tournament actually started. Which I think is more important than when the battle took place. Had I been in the first round bracket or had I seen MechSteelix on the server earlier, Celebi would still have been in RU. As for Electabuzz and Gurdurr, they seem to fall under the NFE category. Gurdurr certainly does as much as something like Ferroseed.
Feb 10, 2017 by trachy
k den :D
Feb 10, 2017 by a creepy stalker
omg my heart
Feb 10, 2017 by Toucanadian
either monday or from feb 28-april 5
Feb 9, 2017 by a creepy stalker
Aww, thanks for listening to my rant :3 You'll be sure to hear more if they so much as bump my boy Zenyatta >:(

And boy, if you liked that, you're gonna LOVE Katsuwatch.
Feb 8, 2017 by Toucanadian

I'll probably let the match slide because it's not fair battling the same team again (when he already used the sets that allowed him to win).

But, I do request that the team can be changed (IF POSSIBLE) because I think the team might be unfair for his other opponents (unless if they think it's fine). It doesn't have to happen, as I think it is up for whatever trachy decides to do.
Feb 7, 2017 by MechSteelix
Also, some awesome to chase away those post-exam blues.
Feb 7, 2017 by Toucanadian
And sorry for typos /)~(\
Feb 7, 2017 by Toucanadian
Oh, no worries! Important exams need lots of attention :D I shudder at the thought of boy bands being considered classical music, maybe even taught in future music classes… *gags*
Which reminds me of a discussion I had with my English teacher, about how someday maybe they'll "rediscover" rap or death metal from our age and it will be the new hipster music.

I've played more D.Va since the nerf and she's alright. If I may explain a bit more about the nerf, and maybe vent a teeny bit because she is my favourite Dorito-munching tank:

D.Va at launch: 100 HP / 400 Armour

I played pre-buff D.Va a bit and she was okay. I though she performed her function well, but some quality of life changes were needed to give her a chance of being picked over more useful tanks like Rein, Roadhog and Zarya. Also, (idk how much you know so I'm telling you everything) her movement speed was reduced by 50% when shooting. Not good, but killing things wasn't impossible.

D.Va after buffs: 200 HP / 400 Armour + slightly faster movement speed while shooting

This is when I fell in love with D.Va. In my opinion, the increase in movement speed while shooting from 50% to 75% was the only buff she needed. But she also (for some reason) got 100 extra HP, which made her harder to kill (but not impossible). I thought D.Va was in a good spot, but I will admit she did need a small nerf to make her not as invincible. Of course, in competitive play, 600 HP D.Va became basically invincible because of how much Ana is used in pro matches. This upset the "meta" quite a bit. Reaper also had a much harder time killing the mech before it killed him.

D.Va after nerfs: 400 HP / 200 Armour + damage-per shot reduced from 24 to 22

These nerfs were bad. Once her armour is gone, Roadhog can one-shot D.Va after a hook. And thanks to changes made to his hook, she'll always be lined up for an unmissable headshot. The damage decrease was meant to "make her midrange damage more consistent" which I think is bs because her midrange damage is crap anyways. It is much harder to kill anyone who's not either A) a tank or B) right up your nose because her damage is more spread out, so the chances of landing more shots is lower. Plus, now that she has less armour, if they're right up in her face they can just headshot to their heart's content, and you basically have to be at full health to 1v1 successfully. A HUGE problem is Soldier: 76. He wasn't nerfed at all, despite his insane damage, and unless D.Va lands 90% of her shots his biotic field will outheal her guns. I would have MUCH preferred they either split her health 300 HP / 300 Armour or go back to 100 HP / 400 Armour. I mean, D.Va's schtick is the armoured tank. Now she's Reinhard plus 100 HP and less shield. Plus, she may have been OP in pro games, but in Quick Play where you're lucky to get 1 healer, she was fine.

Nevertheless, being a Dorito-dippin' soda-sippin' D.Va main, I've been adjusting my playstyle to compliment her nerfs. Gone are the days of assassinating healers. Now I have to get the jump on people and pick of those pesky Genjis trying to flank us.

TL;DR D.Va's trash, but she's my trash, and one man's trash is another man's gold.

/end rant

I'm soooooooo sorry I made you read all of that, but tbh I've been wanting to vent for a while.

In other news, I've been trying to learn Pharah and she's been a blast (lol) and my quest of a legendary Zenyatta skin is still ongoing.

I've had Hasselhoff running through my head for the past few days too, we can suffer together :')
Feb 7, 2017 by Toucanadian