PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Clobboot (page 5)

The crazy crits one.
Jul 9, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
You should see my most recent question.
Jul 5, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
I know.
Jul 5, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Hi. Did you know that when I first heard Blue's FRLG champion theme, I thought it was Lance's theme?
Jun 28, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Battles with Tapus (except Koko, caught him in february) All under 35 minutes! Ultra Sun
Turn 1
Go Koko!
Koko used Agility!
Lele used Nature's Madness!
Turn 2
Koko: Z-Move: Guardian of Alola
Lele used Extrasensory!
Koko fainted!
Turn 3
Go Necrozma!
Necrozma used Iron Defense!
Lele used Extrasensory! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 4
Used Ultra Ball! Appeared to be caught!
Lele used Moonblast! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 5
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Lele used Flatter!
Turn 6
Used Ultra Ball! Appeared to be caught!
Lele used Nature's Madness!
Turn 7
Used Ultra Ball! Lele was caught!
Turn 1
Koko used Agility!
Bulu used Megahorn!
Turn 2
Koko: Z-Move: Guardian of Alola
Bulu used Megahorn!
Turn 3
Koko used Nature's Madness!
Bulu tucked in its head!
Turn 4
Koko used Nature's Madness!
Bulu used Skull Bash! Koko survived with 2 HP!
Turn 5
Koko used Nature's Madness! Bulu avoided the attack!
Bulu tucked in its head!
Turn 6
Koko used Nature's Madness!
Bulu used Skull Bash!
Koko fainted!
Turn 7
Go Necrozma!
Necrozma used Iron Defense!
Bulu used Zen Headbutt! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 8
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Bulu tucked in its head!
Turn 9
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Bulu used Skull Bash!
Turn 10
Necrozma used Iron Defense!
Bulu used Nature's Madness!
Turn 11
Used Ultra Ball! Appeared to be caught!
Bulu used Zen Headbutt! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 12
Used Ultra Ball! Bulu was caught!
Turn 1
Koko used Agility!
Fini used Nature's Madness!
Turn 2
Koko: Z-Move: Guardian of Alola
Fini used Muddy Water! Survived with 9 HP!
Turn 3
Koko used Nature's Madness! Fini avoided the attack!
Fini used Aqua Ring!
Turn 4
Koko used Nature's Madness!
Fini used Hydro Pump!
Koko fainted!
Turn 5
Go Necrozma!
Necrozma used Iron Defense!
Fini used Aqua Ring! But it failed!
Turn 6
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Fini used Muddy Water!
Turn 7
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Fini used Muddy Water!
Turn 8
Used Ultra Ball! Almost had it!
Fini used Nature's Madness! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 9
Necrozma used Night Slash! Fini avoided the attack!
Fini used Nature's Madness! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 10
Necrozma used Night Slash!
Fini used Hydro Pump!
Turn 11
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Fini used Nature's Madness! Necrozma avoided in time with your shout!
Turn 12
Used Ultra Ball! Broke free!
Fini used Aqua Ring! But it failed!
Turn 13
Used Ultra Ball! Fini was caught!
Jun 11, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Still not as good as my boy agent cuatro.
Jun 9, 2019 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
yeah, okay.
Jun 3, 2019 by steamcrusader
hey bro, should I change my gravatar? I made a new icon on pixilart. https://www.pixilart.com/art/profile-picture-87429e76054bd41
May 23, 2019 by steamcrusader
I can't.

First of all, Pokemon Bank is useless as I ran out of days many years ago.

Also, I have no game before Gen 5.
May 21, 2019 by Primal Kyogre
Nah, this name pre-dates the game by at least five years by the looks of things!
May 18, 2019 by Fizz