PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 134)

I dunno how else to say it but are we good? I'm really sorry for any misunderstandings.
Oct 2, 2020 by Haze
just wondering. I use the kanghaskan one a lot.
Oct 2, 2020 by Spooky Terrain
Yep but im about to go to school so at like 1:45-2:00
Oct 2, 2020 by y-chai
lol, I haven't been active for AGES. But yes, I is alive VwV. And I will now add you into the toast cult.
There. you're in.
Oct 2, 2020 by Stormy Eevee
Crazygirlpika and atg collaboration news!

Friday, October second 2020

Gla-Gla clones himself 33 trillion times to invade the Gla-Gla fangirl dimension to put an end to the fangilism. Gla-Gla asks miss frizzle to take him and his clones to the fangirl dimension on the magic school bus and she agrees. Gla-Gla arrives to the fangirl dimension and starts preparing the WHEE machine to come up with creative and painful ways to exterminate all the fangirls. "death by being run over by hau thriller that is being driven by a drunk linoone", "death by squiggly tsunami made by pk", as the machine was making the deaths, miss frizzle turns out to be hau in disguise and deletes all the Gla-Gla clones spinal cords and modifies the machine to send out a colossal coalossol with crazygirlpikas legs and haus hairstyle to shove a squiggly atomic bomb down every fangirls throat so deep that comes out of the other end and explodes, burning them from the butt to the head. But the leader of the fangirls, crazygirlpika, does a squiggly jump to the WHEE machine and shoves joltics up haus butt and tells the colossal coalossol to redirect what it's about to do on hau. Crazygirlpika and all the fangirls travel the hau dimension with the magic school bus and uses the WHEE machine to send out a dynamax ferrothorn for every hau and shove it down throat and explode while fictional Christian kids suck on their toes.
Oct 1, 2020 by A typical glance.

The Glazio News
It's a new month and I got a new Pokemon! I beat the grand trial and the lamehead kahuna and headed to Akala. Some stuff happened and guess who I ran into? Iridio himself! The name Iridio sounds awesome. It just does. Iridiadizio is the best word ever 'cause it's a combo of Iridio, Gladion, and Glazio. What fun! So I blasted his music for a bit, battled him, and won! Woo! Then I headed to Brooklet Hill and did the Water-type trial. Many thanks to Wingilon for Wing Attacking Totem Araquanid into oblivion. After I finished that, I went to catch a Dewpider. I caught a female one whom I named Alariana. And guess what? She has Adamant nature! Yay! That'll come in handy because she's gonna be a physical attacker! So then I went and did the Fire-type trial, so now I have to do the Grass-type trial! I'm hoping to evolve Wingilon before I try it, because if my memory is correct, he'll evolve into a Drizzle Pelipper. That'll come in real handy! That's it for now, see ya!
Oct 1, 2020 by Gau
I don't understand, in chat you said something about how we all forgot about the conversation about you and then now you don't want to answer? Come on pal
Oct 1, 2020 by Syl ™
how many last resort sets have you made so far?
Oct 1, 2020 by Spooky Terrain
Pls talk for real
Oct 1, 2020 by Syl ™
The Glazio News
I caught that Regirock and begun my Italian playthrough! I named myself Iridio and chose a Popplio as my starter, which was male and now named Aquario. I decided on a Water-type monotype playthrough! I did some playing and stuff and caught a Wingull named Wingilon! Then I did the first trial and Aquario evolved into Brionne shortly after. But then I kept losing to Mr. Fat Old Non-Psychic Hala Bread. Sad. But hey, I got my character's hair dyed and eye contacts put in, so that's a first! That's all for now, see ya!
Sep 30, 2020 by Gau