PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 123)

Also, I never thought that people would take it as a swear word! *Faints*
Nov 9, 2020 by user74534
I'm sure, my fate is pretty bad!
Nov 9, 2020 by user74534
HUH!? WHAT!!??? AAAAAAAAAAHHH*screams loudly* My goodness!! Trust me!! Actually, I didn't know what a devil number is. (I googled it after reading your comment!!) 6 is the total no. of my name without initials!! (facepalming) I didn't know that before! *Freezes*
Nov 9, 2020 by user74534
I had a reason to justify it. That was a short-form of my real name! But a word is a word, though! :/
Nov 9, 2020 by user74534
Y e s
Nov 7, 2020 by Iridacea
Lyle x Hau: A Love Story

It was a regular day. Lyle was walking by when he saw Glazio having a chat with Primal and ATG. "ATG X GLAZIO X PRIMAL!!!11!!!!!!11111!one" he screamed. This enraged them, and Primal immediately came up with a plan. He noticed Hau prancing by, listening to love songs in his head, and blasted him into space with an Origin Pulse. "OMG HAU NONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!" Lyle screamed once again. The three of them laughed at the distraught Lyle. But eventually, Hau fell back down to Earth. "HAY-HAU OMG YAY I LOVE YOU WHEE PEE" Hau looked baffled. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU WEIRDOPOLIS SMOOTHIE TURD I HAVE THE HOTS FOR PIKA BYE-BYE" was his response, and he pranced into the sunset, even though the sun wasn't setting, and to the village of Hau x Pika worshippers who didn't believe in the logic of Pika x Gladion. Lyle broke down in tears because his true love didn't love him, so Glazio, Primal, and ATG decided to comfort him by torture. Glazio set him ablaze with her flamethrower, Primal tossed a lit stick of dynamite down his throat, and ATG ate his toes and stuffed demonic wheegglies up his nose. He didn't die, however. Then the three of them left and Gladion walked by. He had been torturing N with Ladson and was dragging N to a volcano. But then he saw the depressed Lyle and got a better idea. He stuffed N up Lyle's butt and casually walked away. And to this day, Lyle has N stuck up his butt and is sobbing over Hau.

The end.
Nov 7, 2020 by Gau
Your answer is so precise ,thank you so very much
Nov 6, 2020 by Sam and Noivern
I am not
Nov 6, 2020 by Iridacea
prob just Kyogre and dreepy
Nov 6, 2020 by y-chai
thank you
Nov 5, 2020 by themodernage