PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 120)

X's Nightmare

It was a dark night. I decided to Google Y on Google for the heck of it. I got results such as her page on here and some random Mega Charizard Ys. Seriously, what did those have to do with Y? But then I found another page. It was titled simply 'Y' with no description. I decided to click on it, sure that nothing bad could happen. But when I did, my tablet begun a download of a file called 'lamehead.exe'. I blinked in confusion, but suddenly my tablet turned off. And for reasons I can't explain, the lights in my room cut off. I wondered if it was a power outage, but that wouldn't explain my tablet turning off. I tried to click on the lights, but it wouldn't work. I heard an odd sound, as if there was someone whispering. I brushed it off. It was probably just the wind. I turned on my tablet and heard a screeching sound. I looked around frantically for the source of it before I realized it was coming from my tablet. I tried to turn down the volume, but it didn't get quieter. In fact, it got louder. Then it suddenly cut off and my screen lit up. It looked normal. I scrolled the screen and saw an app that hadn't been there before. It was called 'help' with a picture of a blank black box. I blinked and clicked on it. It showed an image. It was of a boy. However, his face and body were covered by shadows. All I could see was a toothy, evil grin, two glowing white eyes with blood coming out them, and a sharp knife with blood on it that was in his hand. I felt confused and a bit creeped out. I tried to exit the 'app', but it didn't work. I tried it repeatedly. I tried to turn off my tablet, but it wouldn't work either. Then the boy blinked his eyes and begun to move. He seemed to let out some sort of evil giggle. "Behind you..." he said in a distorted singsong voice. I felt panic squeeze my heart. I looked behind me. There was nothing. I looked back at the screen. The boy let out an earsplitting shriek, nearly deafening me, and then... his head exploded. There was blood everywhere. That's when I looked at myself. I had red spots from blood all over my body. I begun to panic and my tablet turned off again. Then I heard footsteps. I looked around and saw no one. But then I looked at my tablet. Something was written on it in blood: 'emniatsusllahsdoolbruoydnarellikruoymai'. I looked behind me. Someone was bent over me with a knife. It was the same boy I had seen. I dropped my tablet and scrambled to the other side of the room. "Help me!" I screeched as loudly as I could. The world begun to spin. It turned into a blur of colors and I felt dizzy. The boy's glowing white eyes showed an incredible evil as he cornered me. I curled up and begun to cry. It wasn't like me to do so, but I was terrified. The boy bent over, staring me in the face. Then he opened his mouth and spoke. "I AM SAD HAUHEAD! WHERE'S YOUR FRICKING MALASADAS?!" "OMGOD GGGGGG AAAHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHH SAD HAUHEAD!" I screeched. He punched me in the face and malasadas rained down from my ceiling. He devoured every last malasada. "I SHIP PRIMAL X PIKA AND NOW X X PIKA LOLOLOLOLOL HA-" His demonic voice was cut off as a Primal Kyogre flew through the window and nearly landed on top of me. "FRICK YOU SAD HAUHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD!" it screeched and threw a Gladion at Sad Hauhead, which killed him in a mach malasada explosion. It then broke through the ceiling, and a loud roar of Groudon and N dying was heard in the distance. I blinked, and suddenly, Sad Hauhead's body was gone. So was the  Gladion and the blood on me and on my tablet. I turned on the tablet to see that 'help' had disappeared and it was working normally. But that's one night I'll never forget...

Nov 21, 2020 by Gau
Nov 20, 2020 by Gau
oh ok, sorry for asking loll
Nov 19, 2020 by AureliusReyes
why, i don't mean to be rude, but is that supposed to be a jab at me
Nov 19, 2020 by AureliusReyes
primal is a pizza
Nov 19, 2020 by themodernage
I can but you can't! 8)
Nov 19, 2020 by user74534
Yes it is!
Nov 19, 2020 by user74534
i wont
Nov 18, 2020 by y-chai
never said it was you
also im currently trying to convince y to do something that may or may not concern shipping so have fun
Nov 18, 2020 by Haze
this wall has dissolved into madness. I shall not feed it, however
-TL The Legend but instead of Kyurem he's Kyurem-White
Nov 17, 2020 by TL The Legend