PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 104)

Oh i know!  I was just saying that I thought it was funny that to make sure a Pokémon isn’t a hack you have to look for bad things about it “You” been in general.  Knowing me if I tried joining one of mine HA’s I neither get screwed over i’m not yet a shiny or get a hack

Although i didnonce get a shiny Solgaleo  but I’m pretty sure it was a hack. Just cuz i’m a pessimist  ( that’s what I’m pretty sure it shiny locked)
Dec 22, 2021 by Dyla N
I love how “trash stats” is what you look for lol. Oh i don’t use HOME either besides I don’t think it will do me any good
Dec 22, 2021 by Dyla N
Bet that Minior was a hack probably from that Abra thing  especially  If your SMUSUM. I haven’t tried to vet a legit shiny from trading. I’m also currently vhaining Fomantius i yhought i’d have problems but knock on wood its going well i want a girl but yhat’s unlikely  small take what I can get when it shows up
Dec 22, 2021 by Dyla N
Imma good pistening to a lot of Beth Crowley songs.
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
Not really but okay.

Anyway how ya doing?
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
You say yhanks a lot, i’m just offering what anyone would offer no need to thank me.
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
Those posts started out as not seroous but now that i’ve thought about it i really do mean it. Yes yes i know the teasing is livhthearted most of yhe time but honestly 2 against 1 isn’t fair and i’m pretty sure AS helps FF a lot in the “lets make fun of Beast” department so i’ll be your second if you want a second.
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
Anytime i got your back no worries
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
I stink at insilts i’ll work on it. However if you nerd someone to go “ueah” or “what he said” i’ll be your acmplice in the matter of insults.
Dec 21, 2021 by Dyla N
**** off then i wanna talk to amongus
Dec 21, 2021 by A typical glance.