The first thing I see when I enter the chat room is you making a sex joke to ~13 year olds :V
Jan 30, 2022
I don't know why everyone supports Primal x Giru. I personally don't. Even if they knew each other irl, they'd most likely just be friends, nothing more. They're friends, and nothing more than friends. Best friends don't always have to date. Dating and friendships are two different things, and one is more likely to screw up a relationship and any ties to another person (I'd know, I developed feelings for Lavender). They never showed any signals if liking each other on a romantic level, and that's their choice, so we should leave them be
-The Enthusiastic Eight year old
Jan 29, 2022
Mr. Fish
You're fabulously weird
Jan 29, 2022
Jan 28, 2022
Its not a bad different in fact its a good different. In chat ur... a oittle wild and stuff on walls yr totally chill
Jan 27, 2022
Dyla N
Not that i was comppaning, just shrprised, hmm we don’t wall much but when we do yiu seem pike a dufferent person than in chat
Jan 27, 2022
Dyla N
Ay jts fine with me usually i’m the one popping in to ealls lol.
Jan 27, 2022
Dyla N