"My big foster brother is a traffic light. How cute."
"She broke the warrior code by existing, man."
"So now my cat's a tribe half-Clan kittypet kit with a mate, kits, adopted kits, a family, an adoptive family, a traffic light for a brother, and magical powers. God that's deep."
"Also I'm hypnotic now."
"Blond. Cats are blond now."
"Favorite season is Winter, and my favorite season is Winter, also my favorite season is Winter and my favorite season is Winter. You're welcome."
"My favorite seasoning is Wintergreen."
"What am I doing with my life. Why do I want to turn this into a story. Why have I abandoned question marks."
"Winter's Tears."
Stroke will end now."
May 15, 2022
Bee Pen Dimension 10 - A Whole New World
In a flash of light, Strawberry Shortcake and Spooky Simp Snake Man were standing in the middle of the street. Which would be a bad thing if there were people driving by, as there weren't for whatever reason. "Huh? Hey, what happened?" Spooky Simp Snake Man asked, as if it wasn't the world's most obvious question. "Aw man! We just dimension-hopped! But I was gonna simp for that one guy more!" Strawberry Shortcake cried. As in she started crying. Then Spooky Simp Snake Man remembered how his deep internal conflict was gone, so he rejoiced and simped for her nonstop in the middle of a street as she sobbed hysterically. Then, a woman riding a motorcycle noticed the scene and stopped, luckily before she ran them over. Her eyes widened. "Well, I'll be..." Then she smirked, clenched her fists, and pulled out a gun as the camera panned dramatically. "It must be my lucky day." She sat there for a couple minutes, waiting for one of the simps to realize she was pointing a gun at them. But they didn't. "Hey, kid!" she finally yelled, and they both turned around. Their jaws dropped to the floor when they noticed the gun, and Spooky Simp Snake Man immediately ran away in a very manly fashion. While screaming. Evil Motorcycle Lady chased after him, leaving Strawberry Shortcake standing there and blinking. Realizing that he couldn't outrun a motorcycle on foot, Spooky Simp Snake Man ran into someone's yard and stole a hot pink tricycle that was clearly made for a girl who was about five years old, which would definitely let him escape. He put it on the road, somehow managed to sit on it, and started pedaling. Luckily, Evil Motorcycle Lady stopped so she could laugh so hard that she hurt without crashing her motorcycle into a tree. Unluckily, he couldn't get up the very small hill on his tricycle. After many failed attempts, he got off of the tricycle, picked it up, ran up the hill, and then rode it down the hill. And by the time Evil Motorcycle Lady remembered she was supposed to be chasing him, he was already about a block away. She said some very mean and bad curse words and resumed the chase. He eventually looked over his shoulder and saw that Evil Motorcycle Lady was gaining on him. "H-How can her motorcycle go so fast?!" he cried, astonished that a motorcycle was faster than a little girl's tricycle. Then his tricycle ran into someone's motorcycle. Spooky Simp Snake Man gulped and looked up to see some bald guy who was about eight feet tall on the aforementioned motorcycle. He grinned in an 'oh god please don't kill me' way. Evil Motorcycle Lady finished catching up with him, and he realized he was completely surrounded because he couldn't pedal his tricycle up a curb. He knew, he'd tried it. He started to scream and cry like a child who couldn't have any candy as Evil Motorcycle Lady got off of her motorcycle and approached him. She said something, but he was crying too loud to hear anything. "Don't worry, young civilian! I'LL save you!" a voice suddenly yelled dramatically, and Spooky Simp Snake Man shut up so he could see where it had come from. Evil Motorcycle Lady and Bald Man McGee looked around as well. "What?! Who's there?!" Evil Motorcycle Lady demanded. "Behind you!" She turned around, flinching as she was blinded by the sun. But atop a tree, there were two silhouettes of people who had somehow managed to stand on top of a tree at the same time, one of them being half the other's size. The short silhouette suddenly jumped incredibly high and landed in front of Evil Motorcycle Lady, who looked at him as if he was an actual threat and not a three foot tall kid with a cape. "W-Who are you?!" The short kid chuckled and posed dramatically. "I am... the Mighty Midget!" For a moment, everyone was silent. Then they started laughing. Even Spooky Simp Snake Man was cracking up, and he had been crying hysterically only a few moments ago. "Now, Lettuce Senator!" Mighty Midget yelled. Before anyone could wonder what the heck a lettuce senator was, the second silhouette, who was no longer a silhouette, appeared out of nowhere and knocked out Bald Man McGee with one blow. Evil Motorcycle Lady's eyes widened, because Bald Man McGee had been eight feet tall. She glanced at Mighty Midget, whose cape was waving behind him in a superhero-y fashion, and growled. "All right, you might've defeated me this time, Mighty Midget, but I'll be back! So you had better go back to hiding under your blanket fort for a living, because as I just said, I'll be back!" she said before jumping on her motorcycle and driving away. Spooky Simp Snake Man jumped off his tricycle and ran over to Mighty Midget. "Y-You saved me! Thank you so much!" he cried. Mighty Midget grinned. "It was nothing. Saving innocent people is what I do." "Oh, get real! I'm the only one who actually did anything, you dummy!" Lettuce Senator snapped. Mighty Midget sighed. "Gerbil Desk, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: you have to control your temper." "Maybe I would if this wasn't so aggravating! Every single time someone's in trouble, you strike a dramatic pose and I do all the work! Like right now! I knocked out some huge guy in one hit, and this brat exclaims that YOU saved him! Even that stupid lady on the motorcycle says that YOU defeated her! But do I get any credit?! No, not ever! Everyone loves YOU because you're the 'adorable' younger brother who wears a cape! Because clearly that makes you a hero! I'm so tired of this whole thing! I wish you had actual superhero-related skills, because if you did, I could go off and be a hero on my own, but no, I have to babysit my little brother because he can't do much of anything on his own! And what do I get out of it?! Nothing but a bunch of stupid nicknames, because apparently Dark Sky just isn't cool enough!" Dark Sky ranted. Mighty Midget looked at him as if he was giving a lesson on why peanuts taste like peanut butter. Spooky Simp Snake Man stared at him for a second before turning back to Mighty Midget. "So, uh... who was that lady, anyway?" he asked. Mighty Midget looked around suspiciously as if there were actually people there who might overhear him. "Follow me. We'll discuss this whole thing back at headquarters." he said. Spooky Simp Snake Man picked up his tricycle and followed him as he dashed off, and Dark Sky followed as well, more stomping than walking.
To be continued...
May 15, 2022